
  1. parhamr

    Progression of my second shohin Shimpaku

    On this tree I plan to continue studying the finely ramified, triangular canopy, shohin Shimpaku informal upright shtick. I want a twisted trunk and stunning dead wood to be important features, as if this were more of a yamadori-inspired tree. I am intending at least 3–5 years of further...
  2. parhamr

    Progression of my first Shimpaku shohin

    This thread will track my progression of Shimpaku juniper nursery stock into an informal upright shohin bonsai. I'm targeting a final height of 6–8 inches and I'm planning to grow almost an entirely new canopy. This is a multi-year project. Obtained June 2015 in a 1-gallon nursery pot for...
  3. cbroad

    'Red Sprite' Winterberry Holly styling/virtual

    So I bought this Holly last week and could not resist cutting it back, I know the timing wasn't the best but I know these are pretty vigorous and I think it could make it through the winter even if it doesn't push out any more growth this year. Winterberries, for whatever reason, are one of...
  4. Mike123

    Yew probably shouldn't have done that...

    Bought this yew at the box store, not a good time to do work on them I think,but wanted to practice. Got inspired from Rob C.'s 5 year progression on one of his yews. Took alot of foliage off to see what's doing. Made a jin, and tried to see the tree with in. And that's what I came up...
  5. parhamr

    Pinus contorta contorta (Shore pine)

    I've purchased another native North American nursery specimen: a Pinus contorta contorta 'Spaan’s Dwarf' cultivar. I was feeling like taking a bit of a risk with my wallet and tools; it cost $84.99 for a specimen with 2.5" trunk diameter, 24" height, and healthy roots that fill a ~5 gallon...
  6. ColinFraser

    Purple Bougainvillea Progression

    Starting a thread for this bougie I picked up at a landscape nursery back in 2014. A little trunk movement, a bit of flare at the base, and wholesale pricing - I'm in!
  7. Brian Van Fleet

    Crazy Shimpaku from Evergreen Gardenworks

    Starting a thread on this one... From Brent at Evergreen Gardenworks in February 2014. As offered: And as it arrived: Potted:
  8. Brian Van Fleet

    Shohin Clump Japanese Maple

    Starting a thread on this maple from @Don Blackmond. I needed something to round out a shohin display, and this was an interesting addition. I bought it in leaf, but here are some shots from before I bought it.
  9. parhamr

    Japanese quince clump

    I recently dug up this bush from my yard. It was planted by the former homeowner in clay-heavy soil and several winters of ice storms had made a mess of this quince. I think it’s a Chaenomeles japonica because the flowers are red, the leaves are thin, it has large thorns, and the bark is...
  10. parhamr

    Progression of Acer palmatum A

    April 2012 Collected as a seedling in Portland, OR. May 2013 Basic wire training. April 2014 It continues to be my most productive seedling. I upgraded it from a 1 to 2 gallon pot; to the left is a white birch volunteer. June 2014 One of the growth tips would get a fungal infection...
  11. parhamr

    Progression of Acer macrophyllum C

    April 2012 Seedlings collected in Portland, OR. April 2014 This was a larger pot with way too much sand and bark compost. June 2014 Repotted. May 2015 January 2016 I repotted this tree into a 7-gallon grow bag with diatomaceous gravel and pumice. For aesthetic purposes I trimmed...
  12. parhamr

    Progression of Acer macrophyllum B

    April 2012 Seedlings collected in Portland, OR June 2014 Potted in pumice, perlite, and composted bark. July 2014 March 2015 The tree received osmocote, humic acid, and granulated azomite. January 2016 I repotted this tree into a 7-gallon grow bag with diatomaceous gravel and pumice...
  13. parhamr

    Progression of Acer palmatum ('Sango kaku' coral)

    May 2012 Found discarded at a curb in the city. February 2014 March 2015 The fertilizer is Osmocote 14-14-14. October 2015 December 2015 After a heavy prune back to the first or second internodes. I removed each of the above-soil roots at left and right because they were weak, too...
  14. parhamr

    Tsuga mertensiana (mountain hemlock)

    April 2014 Purchased for $49.99 in a 10-gallon nursery pot. I’m planning to develop this into a formal upright. March 2015 I had wired most branches slightly downward in 2014 and started on some major branch selection. April 2015 The branches make nice foliage pads with prolific...
  15. parhamr

    Juniperus procumbens 'nana'

    June 2014 Purchased for $12, labeled as a Green Mound Dwarf Juniper March 2015 Slip potted into a 3-gallon pot with soil at an approximate ratio of 2 parts diatomaceous earth, 1 part medium pine bark, and 1 part pumice. Fed with Osmocote 14-14-14. June 2015 I moved this into a ceramic pot...
  16. parhamr

    Calocedrus decurrens (incense cedar)

    April 2014 I collected this seedling from under a mature specimen. I am developing it into a formal upright. May 2015 update June 2015 I repotted with white pumice, red lava rock, and diatomaceous earth as the new media. The tree received ecto mycorrhizal inoculants, humic acid, and azomite...
  17. Brian Van Fleet

    Arakawa JBP

    Here is an Arakawa variety of JBP from Telperion farms. I bought it a year ago and have spent the growing season looking at different options. It has fantastic bark, a nice base, good movement and taper...and plenty of well-placed branches to work with. Pretty sure this will be the front when...
  18. Brian Van Fleet

    Corkbark JBP, 'Hachi Gen'

    This Hachi-Gen was one of about 8 cultivars I worked with. I bought it because it was cutting-grown. It came from Brent Walston's Evergreen Gardenworks. Here is the description from his catalog: Pinus thunbergii 'Hachi Gen' (Cork Bark Black Pine) We obtained this cultivar from Ken Sugimoto...
  19. Brian Van Fleet

    Pseudocydonia, Chinese Quince

    I couldn't find a thread on this one, so here is a new one. I bought this Chinese Quince in 2006 on eBay, from Sebastapol CA (first photo). It went in the ground in 2007, and stayed there 8 years, unattended, with the exception of several trunk chops. I wish I would have chopped the second...
  20. Brian Van Fleet

    BVF PP Maple

    This trident was dug today. It has been in the ground most of 10 years, and I've been eyeing it for a sumo-shohin. It might be too big for my plan, but we'll see how things go of the next few years. It's going to need a lot of root work to get there. My entry for the big PP contest: :D
  21. Brian Van Fleet

    "Seattle Elm"

    I visited Bonsai Northwest in Seattle when my wife and I were visiting her dad in Gig Harbor back in 1997. I bought a corkbark Chinese Elm and pot, and wired it out. This is the earliest photo I can find; from around 1998. I sold it 10-12 years ago, but did start some root cuttings at some...
  22. Brian Van Fleet

    Corkbark JBP, Kyokko Yatsubusa

    Some photos are around the forum on this, but no thread, so here's the development of this one since purchased from Don Blackmond in fall 2008. The backdrop here is a standard card table, for a bit of scale:
  23. Brian Van Fleet

    Twisted Itoigawa

    A new pickup... Yesterday I introduced some Shari, reduced the jins a bit, and repotted it into some fresh soil and an old Bigei pot. This year, I'll pull in the apex a little, get the primary branches twisted up some more, and let it grow!
  24. Brian Van Fleet

    Another Itoigawa

    It has been a couple years since I purchased a bonsai. This one just came from Don Blackmond (highly recommended) at Gregory Beach Bonsai. it has a little history here at BNut, so I thought I'd share: 2009: 2010...
  25. Brian Van Fleet

    Ginkgo from seed

    In 1996 I collected 11 ginkgo fruits (incredibly foul-smelling), and seven of them grew; 4 are still living. This one has been in the ground in Iowa, chopped back annually for the last 14 years, and was dug this spring. My buddy brought it down this weekend, thought I'd share. It's about 18"...
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