
  1. MHBonsai


    For the past several years I've been compiling progressions that have been helpful to me. Typically I'm looking for good photo documentation of bonsai transformations, with descriptions of how/what/when. Thanks for all that have helped me put this list together - hopefully it's a useful...
  2. L

    Lorax7 Brazilian Rain Tree #2 progression

    Had this tree for a few years. Put a bit of wire on it today. Didn’t think to take a before picture. Sorry.
  3. Sidesummy

    Sidesummy's JBP & JRP Ground Growing Progression

    Sidesummy's JBP & JRP Ground Growing Progression Photo Series: As of 2022 I'm 7 years into my bonsai from seed journey. I thought it would in nice to provide an ongoing photo series of my progress thus far. Reading the forums for several years I have always found it particularly helpful when...
  4. L

    Lorax7 Shimpaku Juniper #4 progression

    Forgot to take a “before” picture. I’ve had this Shimpaku for a year or two but hadn’t previously done anything to it besides repotting and creating a few jin. Started on creating some shari and wired up a few of the branches to get some movement in them while it’s still relatively easy to do...
  5. B

    3 year Itoigawa progression

    Three year progression on this Itoigawa Juniper whip originally sourced from Shoka Bonsai in the UK. Picture below from 2019 Picture below from yesterday. My wiring could still use a little refinement but overall I’m pretty happy with the progression & how much I’ve learnt in the process...
  6. TreeJunkie

    Progression Forum?

    Would it be a good idea to have a forum dedicated to progression posts? I often wind up scrolling through other forums just looking for progressions. Thinking it would be nice to have a dedicated place to go and find them. Thoughts?
  7. Adamski77

    JBP Progression

    My progression thread on Japanese Black Pine... nothing really done since I bought it. Will be doing some work later this year but thought I'll post the pictures ahead... maybe somebody will have some remarks/ideas. 4 pictures... 4 sides of the tree. Currently fed a lot with quite balanced...
  8. brennobonsai

    Citrus mame bonsai development thread.

    I decided to start my first bonsai development progress thread. It's going to be a mame probably. I got the seedling as a gift from my grandmother and decided to wire it up to see if it turned into something good. Here are some pictures from less than a week when I planted it in a plastic pot...
  9. Caleb Campbell

    Japanese Maple Field Growing Progression Thread

    I just planted some of my smaller palmatums in the ground, and I want to get a sense of their development speed. I have had a hard time finding any threads showcasing Japanese maples' speed of trunk growth in the ground over the course of years. I see lots of refinement progressions, but not...
  10. Caleb Campbell

    American Hornbeam #2 Progression, Caleb C.

    Here is another Carpinus Caroliniana I collected in December 2020. It has a rather straight trunk, but has a massive (comparitively) opposing root flare. Will be a nice, straight, shohin+ haha. Wish I got pictures of the roots when I potted it. Upon Collection: Leafed out in February and here...
  11. parhamr

    Telperion Pinus sylvestris progression

    I thought I had a thread for this tree, but I guess I’ve only put it into the Tree Thread. Here we go! I scored a Telperion Scots Pine in 2017 for a song. It was in their bargain section, having been almost fully infected by needlecast (causing massive loss of interior buds and branches). This...
  12. parhamr

    Progression of Acer macrophyllum D

    I’ve posted this tree here and there, but it doesn’t yet have its own thread. (Huh, maybe I should just have one bigleaf maple thread?!) Like the other 3 Acer macrophyllum I have, this one was part of a 2012 urban collection from flower beds and against sidewalks. It is an informal broom in the...
  13. E

    Seiju Elm Starter

    I got this Seiju Chinese Elm cutting in July last year. It looked like this. I let it grow without any trimming or root work (so I don't have any idea what the roots are like) and now it's much bigger. The overall image hasn't changed much since about the middle of summer, but it seems...
  14. L

    Volunteer spruce (identification???)

    Got a little spruce that appeared in my yard this year, obviously volunteering to become bonsai. Naturally, I obliged and put it in a pot. Any idea what kind of spruce it is?
  15. L

    Lorax7 Japanese Maple ‘Orange Dream’ #1 progression

    Nursery stock purchased this spring and repotted in Boon mix in a mesh bottom tray. My plan right now is to start taking air layers from it next year and eventually end up with a shorter tree in the process.
  16. JeffS73

    Finding the way of Kami in my own garden

    Hey, so I have a bunch of stuff going on in my garden that I thought would be fun to share in one thread as it's a bit too piecemeal for lots of threads. Hopefully you will enjoy too. I had some 2018 JBP with good nebari but no low buds, so I decided to use them as rootstock for JWP. I decided...
  17. Caleb Campbell

    American Hornbeam #1 Progression, Caleb C.

    I collected this nice little hornbeam on December 29, 2020 from my woods, had pretty good surface roots and a really nice radial nebari. Washed the roots and placed it in an 11 inch pond basket. The cuts I made on the major roots are too far away from the trunk in hindsight, which will set me...
  18. Caleb Campbell

    American hornbeam air layer

    Dug up a tall hornbeam in November of last year, and air layering the top section that had a bit of movement. Plan to post progression photos over the years, have it in a very shady spot 'till it cools down. Think it'll make a nice shohin when I chop down to one of those lower branches, or...
  19. El Duderino

    El Duderino's Garden ... A Deep Dive

    In the spirit of sharing with the community, I've decided it's time to start my first thread. I need a central place to document my trees' progress. And I figure if I can do that here, I'll have a better opportunity to learn from you all as I go along. My fascination with Bonsai began a long...
  20. BarkLeafTrees

    Silver Birch from Seed Progression

    Opening this thread up to keep track of the progress this silver birch makes. April 6th 2019 seeds beginning to sprout January 2020 April 2020 nebari beginning to take shape on one of the strongest seedlings August 2020 before and after sacrific branch chop December 2020 after two more...
  21. P

    Sharp's Pygmy Maple

    I obtained this Sharp's Japanese Maple stock last year from a local nursery and it underwent its first styling during the Fall. At the end of Fall I decided that the maple needed a better secondary structure and potentially better development of primary branches. This year I will allow about...
  22. cbroad

    J.M. clump air layer

    Here's a Japanese maple clump air layer I've been growing since fall of 2016. It came off of a tree in my yard and unfortunately I don't know the variety. It gets a nice orange fall color which is a little unique with palmatums. I repotted it last Wednesday and took off the biggest trunk which...
  23. parhamr

    Western Hemlock progression

    At the end of 2016 I got an inexpensive Western Hemlock from a BSOP auction. The tree was in a 1-gallon nursery can. It was fairly tall and straight and I’m going with that as the design, envisioning this as a mountain tree on top of a rocky outcropping or at the edge of a break in the woods. I...
  24. cbroad

    Field Maple Progression

    Here's a field maple I've had since June of 2017. I bought it at Meehan's Miniatures, I think for around $25-30, and I was pretty excited because I had been looking for one for a long time. As bought: I slip potted it that summer into a 5 gallon pot and honestly, I can't remember if I've...
  25. Gottibonsai

    Suiseki progression, from daiza to exposition!

    Hi, today I want to show you guys all the trasformation of this suiseki. It is a stone I collected a year ago when I was 17, and in some months I created the Daiza. Last year I then exposed the stone at a really important international exhibition here in Italy. In this thread I will show you the...
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