Donald Trump.

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That's certainly where we're heading....the more the left pushes their racist, identity politics on all of us....the more separated and divided we become, by design.....divide and conquer, it's the leftist way.
in my view - identity politics is creating way more problems than actual racism is.
what is the more likely explanation.....

It seems that everywhere, there is too much violence, too much oppression, too much inequality.

Maybe we should re-open the coal mines, use chemicals for a last crop, and poison ourselves for the benefit of the 1% that will outlive us a couple of years.


Let's make Armaggedon great again! :D:D:D:D:D

And the meek shall inherit. The shit. :eek:
It seems that everywhere, there is too much violence, too much oppression, too much inequality.

Maybe we should re-open the coal mines, use chemicals for a last crop, and poison ourselves for the benefit of the 1% that will outlive us a couple of years.


Let's make Armaggedon great again! :D:D:D:D:D

And the meek shall inherit. The shit. :eek: stupid....and you know it. stupid....and you know it.

Yes indeed.

But I'm 62 and I find it rather depressing to see the world go backward. I used to think that mankind was progressing, the world I'm seeing, where my kids have to live, is really back to the darkest times. Profit for a few, self-destruction for everyone. Lies, gross ignorance, denial of scientific self-evidence praised and endorsed by decrebrated cattle via twitter.

At least, if I was a believer, I could cower in a church, a mosque, a synagogue or a cave and flock together to "pray", hoping that "something" or "god" would save us from our own stupidity.

The end is near, brothers and sisters! o_O


There was a joke at the time of communist states:

"Why is capitalism on the edge of the abyss?..."

"To take a closer look at communism."

It seems that capitalism bent down a bit too much. :eek:
Yes indeed.

But I'm 62 and I find it rather depressing to see the world go backward. I used to think that mankind was progressing, the world I'm seeing, where my kids have to live, is really back to the darkest times. Profit for a few, self-destruction for everyone. Lies, gross ignorance, denial of scientific self-evidence praised and endorsed by decrebrated cattle via twitter.

At least, if I was a believer, I could cower in a church, a mosque, a synagogue or a cave and flock together to "pray", hoping that "something" or "god" would save us from our own stupidity.

The end is near, brothers and sisters! o_O


There was a joke at the time of communist states:

"Why is capitalism on the edge of the abyss?..."

"To take a closer look at communism."

It seems that capitalism bent down a bit too much. :eek:
Just so you know, there is actually no hard evidence to support the notion of "man made global warming"....none.
The data that was put out there was proven to be fraudulent.
This is a fact....we know are the one who's in denial.
If you want hard science in the subject, I turn you to the Vostok Ice Core Samples which proved by testing layers of earth, by drilling over 10,000 feet down under Antarctica.
What that data, the true, hard, scientific data shows, is that CO2 does not contribute to the warming of the planet, but the high levels of CO2 show up about 100 years after the warming period.

I sunk your battleship.
Why is capitalism on the edge of the abyss
This is funny if you think it's true.....
To take a closer look at communism."
We know all about starves people to death.
You guys love it because it thins the herd....I get it.
What do you think is the case for this video, A or B?

On Sept. 14, Facebook user Tony Gregg posted a CNN clip of the couple standing at a podium upon their return to the Sunshine State.
“I want to thank everybody, the first responders, on behalf of myself, the vice president, [and] Melania, who really wanted to be with us,”
says President Trump.
The camera then pans over to Melania — who is standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the president — capturing a flicker of confusion and a faint smile on her face.

A) Many mocked the president. “He didn’t even realize she was standing beside him,” wrote someone. Another person added, “She’s Right there Donald… Right… there…”
Some surmised that the president didn’t recognize his wife, normally decked out in high-end designer clothing, who that day was dressed down in an olive-green button-down shirt, a white baseball hat, and white skinny jeans.
The Facebook video was captioned, “Put her back in her million dollar outfits so this fool can recognize his own wife… and i understand what they trying to do, but poor people dress better than this… quit trying so hard to appease everybody… that lady is a model, let her be one… #FreeMelaniasWardrobe.”

B) Others insisted that Trump was simply emphasizing Melania’s enthusiasm to attend the event: “Oh he’s saying she wanted to be with them so that’s why she’s there … not that she’s not there.”
What do you think is the case for this video, A or B?

On Sept. 14, Facebook user Tony Gregg posted a CNN clip of the couple standing at a podium upon their return to the Sunshine State.
“I want to thank everybody, the first responders, on behalf of myself, the vice president, [and] Melania, who really wanted to be with us,”
says President Trump.
The camera then pans over to Melania — who is standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the president — capturing a flicker of confusion and a faint smile on her face.

A) Many mocked the president. “He didn’t even realize she was standing beside him,” wrote someone. Another person added, “She’s Right there Donald… Right… there…”
Some surmised that the president didn’t recognize his wife, normally decked out in high-end designer clothing, who that day was dressed down in an olive-green button-down shirt, a white baseball hat, and white skinny jeans.
The Facebook video was captioned, “Put her back in her million dollar outfits so this fool can recognize his own wife… and i understand what they trying to do, but poor people dress better than this… quit trying so hard to appease everybody… that lady is a model, let her be one… #FreeMelaniasWardrobe.”

B) Others insisted that Trump was simply emphasizing Melania’s enthusiasm to attend the event: “Oh he’s saying she wanted to be with them so that’s why she’s there … not that she’s not there.”
That's hilarious!
I mean.....maybe he didn't realize....I find it hard to believe though....he would've had to have been super busy and preoccupied for the flight.... it's possible.
But I lean towards B.
The way he speaks is strange, his cadence, it's like a big long run-on sentence all the time....which makes it tough to decipher sometimes.

But that one is definitely funny and questionable, thanks for sharing!
The new way -------------- hire only those trained to do the job.
No more talking --------- want to be say Minister of Finance - fill out form show
successful track record ---- apply

No more mouth.

World changing ---------- hah read some History, same crap in the 1800's, 1700's -----

What does change is your perspective as you age ----------- older seeks peace amd
no real change ------------ answer -------buy 10 to 20 acres and go live there, visit the
village rumshop / pub for active gossip.

The more things change the more they stay the same.

ONCE again ------------- we are in an ICE AGE period.

Even if the World Heating up is not true ------------- we must mind our garbage
and population numbers etc.
A sense of responsibilities.
Good Day
The new way -------------- hire only those trained to do the job.
No more talking --------- want to be say Minister of Finance - fill out form show
successful track record ---- apply

No more mouth.

World changing ---------- hah read some History, same crap in the 1800's, 1700's -----

What does change is your perspective as you age ----------- older seeks peace amd
no real change ------------ answer -------buy 10 to 20 acres and go live there, visit the
village rumshop / pub for active gossip.

The more things change the more they stay the same.

ONCE again ------------- we are in an ICE AGE period.

Even if the World Heating up is not true ------------- we must mind our garbage
and population numbers etc.
A sense of responsibilities.
Good Day
Amen brother :cool:
The camera then pans over to Melania — who is standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the president — capturing a flicker of confusion and a faint smile on her face.
Because she's a dummy without an original thought in her head.
But now her husband is attacking Puerto Rico for asking for help. They're americans too. He's worried about recovery costs. Who cares? Take the money he wants to spend on a wall and help them.
Another Katrina in the works to haunt him.
He's a sick and bad man.
He needs to demonstrate some level of decency and compassion. Not tweets from him attacking the leaders and people of Puerto rico.
Because she's a dummy without an original thought in her head.

This woman overcame the odds of growing up in a communism country... Dummy? Oh that is rich...She is everything our country stands for if you think of it. Offering the right way to become a citizen. I guess I see her as an individual who overcame a lot. To me...that is far from dumb. That is strength. Until one walks in the shoes of another who has lived her one should judge her...let alone call her names. Why? Because she happens to be the wife to a man one hates...that's rich. I don't care what credentials one may snub their nose the stepping stones that brought her to freedom. She is the end of the day. what I see when I see her. A strong woman...who overcame great challenges...and is a good representation of what our country stands for. Who her husband is...does not define who this proud young woman is...she did that on her own.
This woman overcame the odds of growing up in a communism country... Dummy? Oh that is rich...She is everything our country stands for if you think of it. Offering the right way to become a citizen. I guess I see her as an individual who overcame a lot. To me...that is far from dumb. That is strength. Until one walks in the shoes of another who has lived her one should judge her...let alone call her names. Why? Because she happens to be the wife to a man one hates...that's rich. I don't care what credentials one may snub their nose the stepping stones that brought her to freedom. She is the end of the day. what I see when I see her. A strong woman...who overcame great challenges...and is a good representation of what our country stands for. Who her husband is...does not define who this proud young woman is...she did that on her own.
She got to where she's at by using her body,not her brains.
Like I said. Not an original thought. Dum dum.
Plagerizing Michelle Obama.
Not only in speech but actions.
The only thing is she tried to donate a book to a library that doesnt like the racist husband that she was unfortunate to marry.
She didn't read it to a class. She figured she would one up Michelle O.
I imagine the Cat in the Hat is above her reading level anyway. Dick and Jane are probably hard for her to get through.
She got to where she's at by using her body,not her brains.
Like I said. Not an original thought. Dum dum.
Plagerizing Michelle Obama.
Not only in speech but actions.
The only thing is she tried to donate a book to a library that doesnt like the racist husband that she was unfortunate to marry.
She didn't read it to a class. She figured she would one up Michelle O.
I imagine the Cat in the Hat is above her reading level anyway. Dick and Jane are probably hard for her to get through.

I don't call anyone still empowered by communism dumb...but born into it a country they had no control of...that she is an overcomer of that...makes her one strong willed woman. And...quite frankly...I am tired of it all. I can't even say that if she were dumb she would still be her communist country...because that degrades others less fortunate of living in a free country. Shame on her...for getting out from under communism...shame on her because she was beautiful... a woman...I can't do this...I can't. So think what you will...say what you will. But...for me to continue is agreeing of sorts.'s very strong in my nature to not be of said nature.

At the end of the day...I think ones make more of things than what they are. She tried to donate a book...again...who cares who her husband is... Your assuming you know what is in her upping!?! Honestly!?! Where do you come up with these things. I see an innocent gesture...and it's blown out of the water. I find it a sad case when that happens...they will hate her...because of her husband. You have proven just that. Talking of her reading skills...really!?! Yeah, we may have bonsai in common...but there is a huge gap that is so far off...that I can't do it any longer. I wish you well...but...I will never be able stand reading of the hatred of her husband that shadows over her...from your thoughts. And...I just don't care to associate with ones of such strong hatred of one man...that it clouds their thoughts of any other human being. If one can't see her an overcomer...and what our country stands for...and constantly degrades a woman who overcame...and belittles her...It's not worth it to associate with such hatred.

I bid you good day...your hatred...can be kept for another ones eyes...I may not have voted for Obama...but I didn't harbor the hate that is so equivalent in your posts...your comments if you think about it is almost humorous if not for the hate.

It is quite easy for one to judge...when we never lived a day in communism.
I'm as anti-Trump as they come, but even I highly doubt he forgot she was standing right next to him. I hear it as "she really wanted to come along on this trip", so option B. The problem is that Trump expresses himself like a 5 year old, so you have to remember that when trying to extract meaning from his words.

As for Melania, I really haven't paid any attention to her either before or after the election. She's probably smarter than Trump, but that's a pretty low bar.
... ... But now her husband is attacking Puerto Rico for asking for help. They're americans too. He's worried about recovery costs. Who cares? Take the money he wants to spend on a wall and help them... ...
I have posted this already on the other thread of Bolero (NFL pros & cons) but I will post again here. It's worth it, I think...

And as far as Puerto Rico and Trump, this is a very interesting viewpoint offered by Michael Moore during an interview.

"MICHAEL MOORE: Yes. And, Amy, "It’s an island. You know it’s an island, don’t you?" And he went on to say, too, "There’s a big ocean. There’s a big ocean there between us." (my comment: this is excerpt of Trump's speech regarding Puerto Rico issues) It’s like—I’m convinced he has no idea where Puerto Rico is. All he knows is that the people there are not white. And that’s why it’s not a priority. And let’s just be honest and say, you know, how his mind thinks."
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