The "bank" and I own this one

Your senseless logic is doing more harm to this site than ever before.
You are driving people away from here.
This can be a wonderfull oppurtunity for you to learn more about Bonsai but you insist on provoking the indurance of most here.
You should be thankfull that there are members here who answer postings!
You are a beginner who needs all the information you can get. Quit pissing people off.
Instead of provoking so much negativety towards you, perhaps you need to ask yourself what you are doing for this to be aimed at you so much.
I for one would love to see less of your insane ramblings.
Stick to just the topics!
Your senseless logic is doing more harm to this site than ever before.
You are driving people away from here.
This can be a wonderfull oppurtunity for you to learn more about Bonsai but you insist on provoking the indurance of most here.
You should be thankfull that there are members here who answer postings!
You are a beginner who needs all the information you can get. Quit pissing people off.
Instead of provoking so much negativety towards you, perhaps you need to ask yourself what you are doing for this to be aimed at you so much.
I for one would love to see less of your insane ramblings.
Stick to just the topics!

What a wonderful example to follow, you Irene, are the one responsible for continuing this nonsense, you insist on bumping this thread, rubbing salt into wounds, and jumping into a conversation that did not concern you in the least. It has been said before that your putting your nose into situations and trying to diffuse them does more harm then good.

Again, no one is forcing to you read this thread or my "insane ramblings" by all means, don't pop a blood vessel, feel free to ignore me, I usually do you.

What am I doing to have this aimed at me? Get real, no one here is blind, the same old people who I go back and forth with are all from BT and all from the chat room there, including yourself. The same group of people rushed here when I joined and have been inciting every since. This is the same group that did the same thing at BC. Funny, they do no such things at IBC, KoB, AoB, or any other forum. Why? Because it is not allowed, it is nipped in the bud. They do it when and where they can, same people, same MO, same crap.

Please remember the crap slowed down dramatically when I added these few to my ignore list, that speaks volumes in itself. And yet, that wasn't good enough, and people complained I was using it, so I turned off the list.

And don't you worry about my education, I am doing just fine, just fine indeed. In fact, for three years in, I have no complaints at all.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have an article to finish for ABS, a book to check on, two forums to manage, a national show to help plan, two profiles to publish, one gallery to publish, contest results to double check, prizes to be distributed, a book review to finish, another contest to get underway, an editorial to launch, and bonsai to water yet this evening.

And you think you don't have time for this crap......

Give me a break,

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Damn, did that horse just move?

For the record, feel free to ask me anytime what I paid for any tree I have, I won't mind at all, in fact I'll give you the source.

Also, it is far easier when you do not wish to discuss something to simply not discuss it. No sense being all rude about it.


This is ever the refuge of those who elbow their way through the world. Those with better manners think, and the elbowers assert, that calling them on their rudeness is rude. I hope I don't have to continue belaboring this point, but it seems that Will insists on having the final word on this. What a shame.
Or is it you that is insisting on the final word?

Rudeness? Let's not go there Chris, I simply asked what you paid for a piece of stock, while in the recent past you have dug up my criminal record from over 10 years ago and posted such publicly without knowing a single thing about it, assuming far worse than what it actually was. You have also repeatably attempted to defame me and the projects I am involved in on numerous occasions. You have never passed up on an opportunity to argue, attack, dig, incite, and you are quite ready to pass the buck whenever you can. You have followed me from forum to forum and never fail to comment on any post I make, a behavior so frequent that it led many to refer to you as my own personal stalker. Even in this thread, you keep pushing an imagined slight over and over and over again, continually bringing it up, all over a sentence i posted in my first post here with a winking smiley.

You are hardly the one to be lecturing anybody on manners Chris, black pots, glass houses and all. I suggest that if you want to change the world you start with the man in the mirror.

Meanwhile, take your pinus envy elsewhere, I'm not interested in what you consider rude, nor frankly do I care, I do however know I am damn close to adding you back to my ignore list so I can actually talk about bonsai again, for a change, instead of wasting time debating silliness with you.

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The original thread started off with a pic of a fine little pine, and slowly slipped into drivvel and rudeness. It is rather vulgar to be concerned with what some bloke or dame pays for his or her trees, give it a rest. Please stop behaving like naughty little kids and talk about the merits of the tree, otherwise enough is enough.

Well, Well, Well, what a performance, this is not adult behaviour. Chris Johnston from the outset you are as guilty as sin for the name you gave this thread 'The "bank" and I own this one.' This is blatant bragging in my opinion which you got the response you were after, how much did you pay? You then coyly declined to give out that information which was fair comment but contradicted your initial motive to tell the community how flash you were buying a tree on lay-by. Will Heath is no better for persisting with the same question but you couldn't resist getting back to him instead of just ignoring the remarks.
What is really funny is that we might not see the tree for a while, which is strange if the bank has given you a loan to purchase it. Are we missing something here?

Given the history of you both it might be an idea to press the ignore buttons similtaneously.

Ash :)
Well, Well, Well, what a performance, this is not adult behaviour. Chris Johnston from the outset you are as guilty as sin for the name you gave this thread 'The "bank" and I own this one.' This is blatant bragging in my opinion which you got the response you were after, how much did you pay? You then coyly declined to give out that information which was fair comment but contradicted your initial motive to tell the community how flash you were buying a tree on lay-by. Will Heath is no better for persisting with the same question but you couldn't resist getting back to him instead of just ignoring the remarks.
What is really funny is that we might not see the tree for a while, which is strange if the bank has given you a loan to purchase it. Are we missing something here?

Given the history of you both it might be an idea to press the ignore buttons similtaneously.

Ash :)

Ash, I have a lot of respect for you. If that's what you saw in this thread, then that was my mistake and I am sorry for it. "Bank" meant the owner is letting me send checks. My only purpose was to show the photos and explain why they weren't my photos and why I couldn't get any more right away.

I acknowledge that that premise would cause anyone to wonder the price.

And I am sorry I let it get so out of hand.
Chris many thanks for clarifiying your position on the trees' purchase. As we may not see a follow up in the near future of this tree it may be prudent now to abandon this thread and raise a new one when new information comes to hand. Does that seem fair? Greg are you there?

Ash :cool::cool:
Hi all. Id just like to say when new members have a look around this sight it looks as though there is many post to read a gather information from, and whilst there is a vast amount of knowledge that i have certainly gained, i find myself reading threads which have 6 or 7 pages, which 80% is just arguments and bitching, and the topics are lost within the first few post. Why is everything you read followed up by other backhanded comments. I understand that a discussion on forums is for people to give there different opinons but its always so personal here, and am just concerened for new members that may not stay due to the time it takes to source out the good bits through the bad. Anyway just my thoughts, dont be to harsh to me:) :)
That's The Way Uh Huh Uh Huh We Like It....
(clap Clap)
That's The Way Uh Huh Uh Huh We Like It....
Simon, figure out who's bitching annoys you. Hit the ignore button for that person. You will remove the unwanted content and you will end up with a undiluted version of what your looking for.

As to why it happens?.....Entertainment, Ego, Axes to grind,.....etc, etc, etc.
Rats....and I thought Chris had finally recieved his pine and was posting pictures of it.

"note to self hit ignore button for simon, bonsaioutlaw and tachigi for getting hopes up on seeing the pine" :)
Don't worry too much about it, dude. I am trying to decide whether to have it sent to me just so I can put it in storage for the winter or if I should wait. The problem is, it's not used to our winters here so I have to be gentle with it.
How about an update on this purchase Chris? I am curious to see what work you will do on this beauty.

I also noticed the orginal picture was removed from the first post here, what happened?

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I didn't want to be accused of checkbooksai. I sold it.

And no, I won't reveal to whom I sold it, nor the amount it went for. MYOB.
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MYOB? I commented on a public thread, as I was curious about this tree.

No need to get testy...I'm sorry to hear the fate of this tree.

MYOB? I commented on a public thread, as I was curious about this tree.

No need to get testy...I'm sorry to hear the fate of this tree.


I put MYOB with regard to monetary questions because you made such an ass of yourself in the early part of this thread.

Read anything you want into the "fate" of this tree, I told the unvarnished truth. Some of us have no need to try to make ourselves look better by building false fronts.
I put MYOB with regard to monetary questions because you made such an ass of yourself in the early part of this thread.
Thank you for your opinion....

Read anything you want into the "fate" of this tree, I told the unvarnished truth. Some of us have no need to try to make ourselves look better by building false fronts.

Chris, it is a well known fact that I don't believe in fronts. ;)

"Ass, look better, etc" need to lighten up, really, you're sort of depressing, there is no need to fling mud at every opportunity.

Again, sorry to hear about this tree, it would have made a valuable addition to your collection.

(Living the dream)
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