The "bank" and I own this one

Some great material is free..or the cost of gas to go to the hills and collect it. Walter Pall has loads of great material that he got free just from collecting, you dont need to have a large bankroll in order to acquire a prize winner.

Price has no relation to the greatness of a tree. Many people have lots of money and can afford to spend lots of money on a tree, more than someone whos budget is tighter. Price is just the value that someone puts on their tree depending on what it means to them. I have no prize winners but some of my trees I have had since seedlings, they are my trees and worth alot to me.

If chris says this tree costs $5000 would everyone go back and look at the tree to see what a 5000 dollar tree is made up of? Would your opinion of this tree change? Would you be more inclined to think that this tree is really good since chris paid 5000 for it. People put too much emphasis based on the value of an object and not the actual quality of it.
My point is merely this. If you want to know how much a tree will sell for, you must ask the person who wants to sell it, not the person who just bought it. Anyone can easily decide if the market is right for them by looking for trees for sale and inquiring.
IMO it is just plain rude to ask. There is another saying "If you have to ask, you can't afford it!" This is a direct relation of what Imholte is trying to convey (I believe).

Perhaps not seen with this particular tree but I have seen it far too often on these sites where: You either paid too much (and then a total belittling of the tree, compared to price) or wow, now that is a real steal.

I admire Chris's resraint on this subject, and would further add let's admire the tree vice the price tag. Once acquired I hope he will update us with better pics from all angles, using a size comparator..
That doesn't excuse ignorance of value or even any respect for such.

No ignorance here Chris. By your reluctance, I will assume you paid more than you are willing to admit.

Your education about what I pay for a tree is not my responsibility.

Nor did I claim it was and I believe I referred to people new to the art.....or did you overlook that?

Anyhow, as I said, very nice purchase, Marco did some real nice design work here as well as the last owner. With some maintainence and careful following of the design laid down, this should be a really nice tree...regardless of the price paid.

Lets get back to that fantastic little shohin. Cant wait to see some more revealing pics Chris:o

(I mean of course of the pot and the tree)
Thanks guys. It has nothing to do with what I paid for the tree, as I may have said, I think I got a real bargain. It has to do with propriety, and respecting others' boundaries. If I put out there what I paid for the tree, that violates the seller's privacy. If I put out what I paid for it, of course, I have given up my right to privacy on the matter. It's dead. Quit kicking it.
If I put out there what I paid for the tree, that violates the seller's privacy.
Although the rest of your post above makes sense, the quote does not. I seriously doubt the seller witholds his prices, a seller who does, sells nothing. See Thomas's recent thread where he gave prices for many trees, both sold and still up for sale.

Frankly this whole thread was blown out of proportion....try this next time Chris,

Hey Chris, what did you pay for that tree.

man, I'm sorry, I really don't want to say.

Come on, if you were selling it you'd tell us, why hold back because you are buying it.

Sorry, I really perfer not to say, please respect that.

Ah crap, fine, be that way. Nice tree by the way....

I think this answer works well.
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Although the rest of your post above makes sense, the quote does not. I seriously doubt the seller witholds his prices, a seller who does, sells nothing. See Thomas's recent thread where he gave prices for many trees, both sold and still up for sale.

Frankly this whole thread was blown out of proportion....try this next time Chris,

Hey Chris, what did you pay for that tree.

man, I'm sorry, I really don't want to say.

Come on, if you were selling it you'd tell us, why hold back because you are buying it.

Sorry, I really perfer not to say, please respect that.

Ah crap, fine, be that way. Nice tree by the way....


I reserve the right to tell the rude they are being rude.

Other than that, the person selling this tree is not a dealer. It's a pretty close knit society. And yes, the horse is fully dead enough.
I like the tree and I hope you have alot of good times tending and admiring it. Everytime I have gotten an "advanced" piece of material a rush runs thru my body like goose bumps.
Please refer to my first post on this thread and define rude for me.

as to the horse....and yet you keep kicking it......

I didn't say you were rude until you persisted when I didn't want to discuss it. Asking was a little boorish but to be excused because I intimated that I wasn't paying cash for the tree. I shouldn't have to explain more than once that I don't want to discuss the price. You will never understand just how rude you can be.
Damn, did that horse just move?

For the record, feel free to ask me anytime what I paid for any tree I have, I won't mind at all, in fact I'll give you the source.

Also, it is far easier when you do not wish to discuss something to simply not discuss it. No sense being all rude about it.

Can you just let it go.....
Why do you insist on pestering?
I am so tired on reading any of these threads.
Can you just let it go.....
Why do you insist on pestering?
I am so tired on reading any of these threads.


First, I am responding. I reserve the right to respond to a statement made directly to me, in which I was quoted or referred to...

Second, who is forcing you to read these threads you are tired of? I certainly do not read those threads I am tired of or not interested in, nor do I post in them letting everyone know I am tired of them or not interested in them, it would only serve to bump them back up to the top of the list.

Third, well, I forgot the third, but I'm sure it was important, or relevant, or something.

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