The "bank" and I own this one

If you lived in Kansas, you would be depressed too.........:rolleyes:

keep it green,
Thank you for your opinion....

Chris, it is a well known fact that I don't believe in fronts. ;)

"Ass, look better, etc" need to lighten up, really, you're sort of depressing, there is no need to fling mud at every opportunity.

Again, sorry to hear about this tree, it would have made a valuable addition to your collection.

(Living the dream)

Why should you be sorry to know that someone bought and sold a tree? would have made a valuable addition to your collection.... (Deja vu?)

I am also sorry you live in Kansas. :rolleyes:

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I'm sorry you have such a deep need to have the last post on every one of my threads.
You ask me a direct question and then claim I have a need to have the last word?


(Living the Dream)
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I guess asking for civility on this site would be like asking for Peace in the Middle East for Christmas. All of this really detracts from what most of us are coming to this website for. It often seems that the postings asking for advice or input get passed over for the Enquirer type threads.
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