The juniper in the link does seem expensive. However, there are a few things I need to mention. First, if you are a member there, you can probably get the tree for $800 not $975. I know, I know, still expensive. Second, it is only 9 inches tall with about a 3 1/2 inch plus base with all its own natural itoigawa foliage. Also, all low branching and foliage. Many times when you have material like this, branches don't start until way up the trunk on taller material. This one has branches that start right at the base. Also, it is this part of the country. I have said a bunch of times how expensive material seems to be around here. I was not kidding about this. Take into consideration the lack of good material available, what they have to do to get good material to this part of the country etc. These things if you don't have the finances or a placer to collect, can really slow your bonsai collecting and work down. Lastly, given the trunk it has, but was more twisted and had wild bends and shari, you can be sure it would be priced even higher than this.