Victrinia Ridgeway
First pine worth talking about was #13.
The first twelve are nice... even beautiful... I'd love to have any of them, though they wouldn't look like they do for long. lol
But #13... wow! Sure you could map out a bunch of triangles on it... but that has nothing to do with the feel and flow of it. It's crown is contrived, but totally fixable. Whatever triangles are there aren't there with obvious intentionality, there's respect that's been paid to a very worthy tree. Whoever did it understood that material in a wonderful and intimate way.
The first twelve are nice... even beautiful... I'd love to have any of them, though they wouldn't look like they do for long. lol
But #13... wow! Sure you could map out a bunch of triangles on it... but that has nothing to do with the feel and flow of it. It's crown is contrived, but totally fixable. Whatever triangles are there aren't there with obvious intentionality, there's respect that's been paid to a very worthy tree. Whoever did it understood that material in a wonderful and intimate way.