What Is On My Mini-Jade's Leaves?

It's portulacaria. I've only killed one, and that's saying something.
Ok, so it's my son's tree, and he loved it to death when he was 4, but I'm the one who let him get away with it.

Point is, your balcony is sufficient, and you can probably get away with a regular LED light bulb for work so long as it has a very high color temperature - at the very least 5k Kelvin - and a decent wattage. That's the bright daylight type bulbs if you're just going off the shelf.

Your tree doesn't look abused or mistreated, just not quite getting it's needs met. These things are very often kept as houseplants by people who can't hardly keep a cactus, so you should be fine.
As a bonus, they can practically come back from a nuclear apocalypse. Seriously, they're damned near impossible to abuse. Don't you dare panic over it.
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