Maybe the top inch or a little more. Is that not enough dryness?How dry do you let the dwarf jade get between waterings?
How many hours of direct sunlight is it getting where you keep it outside?
It needs water
Can't see it well but, looks like white powdery mildew.
I was talking about the raised brownish spots.
Sometimes older leaves just get spots on them. My Portulacaria afra had some spots on its older leaves when I got it, but the new leaves have been healthy since I put it outside in the sun and watered it daily.
It looks like what this jade really needs is more light, water, and airflow. A healthy Portulacaria afra will grow fast and consume lots of water. You can water them every day if the soil drains and there's good light and air, but if they aren't getting enough light and air, their roots end up sitting in stale water and they rot.
That is why I wait for the leaves to wrinkle and then I water it.
This is my office desk plant. I am gonna see if I can get a grow light for it, but they may not let me.
You can buy small grow lamps that look a lot like desk lamps. I can't imagine your boss would object to a desk lamp. But then I can't imagine why your boss would object to any kind of lamp, unless it's some sort of elaborate hydroponics setup that takes up half the floor space in your office and interferes with your ability to do your job.
I work for the State of Florida. Many of the rules that we have don't make sense.
I went with this size Jade because the pot can be no larger than 6 inches and the plant can only be so high.
Weird. Imagine being the guy who has nothing better to do than write rules restricting the size of office plants for state employees.
Almost as bad as being the guy who installs turn signals at the BMW factory.
I get it, but it is what it is. I have to follow the rules, especially as a new employee.
If you’re concerned, just put it in direct sun and let it grow. Water once a week if in descent draining soil. These spots and blemishes are common on stagnant foliage.