Went on my 2nd collection trip last week...

This tree as several others came out of a granite rock pocket. I may have a photo, let me check

This and all the other recently collected trees will all be placed on heating mats this late fall through early spring.
When I collect lodgepole pine in the fall and bring back to michigan I put them in my garage build a little area and heat to about 41 degrees all winter. This year I am trying something different since I have multiple trees that dont like super cold but like around 38 degrees. I am going to buy one of those pop up green houses out it inside my garage and going to put a heater on a thermostat and let it sit at 39-40 degrees all winter. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B092H3RR6M/ref=crt_ewc_img_srh_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A33O9KJ97B18TN. . also you go very nice material.
Nice, what type of areas are you collecting? I was in mostly granite mountains this year.
I think the underlying rock has been mostly granite. But at least around here the location where subalpine larches and firs tend to grow is broken, jumbled rock intermixed with sand. The rocks tend to redirect downward roots sideways but they still have lateral room to travel. It requires a decent size rootball to get fine roots :(
When I collect lodgepole pine in the fall and bring back to michigan I put them in my garage build a little area and heat to about 41 degrees all winter. This year I am trying something different since I have multiple trees that dont like super cold but like around 38 degrees. I am going to buy one of those pop up green houses out it inside my garage and going to put a heater on a thermostat and let it sit at 39-40 degrees all winter. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B092H3RR6M/ref=crt_ewc_img_srh_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A33O9KJ97B18TN. . also you go very nice material.
I am also trying something different this year. Looking for a cold frame to build for fall/winter. For all the collection
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