Where did I go wrong with this nursery stock cutback? You can roast me, just want to learn from my mistakes 
My disclaimer is that I'm a total beginner and I only want to learn as much as I can with this tree - I have no expectation that this will become even a halfway presentable bonsai.
Pre-prune - Informal upright/slanting style seems feasible
1st prune - clearly a total mess.. but not exactly sure where I went wrong (besides the wire job, that was clearly awful). Kept main leader and bent it using wire. Tried to cut back all other thick branches and leave the more pliable branches.

2nd prune - my attempt to clean up/correct, redid the wire and shortened shoots. Felt that the branches (aside from leader) were too long, and cutback was needed to stop the lengthening/thickening of these branches

My Thought Process
Looking at the pre-prune picture, an informal upright or "slant" style seemed feasible. I tried to prune and wire accordingly after the first pruning. However after looking at the tree, I knew there was something wrong... it did not resemble a cutback that more experienced practitioners would do. The shoots turned upside down from my twisting/bending of the wire, and a lot of my foliage was now on the underside... perhaps a lesson in the steps/considerations when planning to both prune and wire at once. So for second pruning, I reduced the length of the shoots and then re-wired more carefully. I think the wiring is far better, but something still feels off.
I still cannot visualize an apex or front. Perhaps another lesson in having a clear gameplan before getting the scissors out.
TLDR - I have a tree that will probably always be ugly, but I wanna learn from my mistakes! Please roast me!

My disclaimer is that I'm a total beginner and I only want to learn as much as I can with this tree - I have no expectation that this will become even a halfway presentable bonsai.
Pre-prune - Informal upright/slanting style seems feasible
1st prune - clearly a total mess.. but not exactly sure where I went wrong (besides the wire job, that was clearly awful). Kept main leader and bent it using wire. Tried to cut back all other thick branches and leave the more pliable branches.

2nd prune - my attempt to clean up/correct, redid the wire and shortened shoots. Felt that the branches (aside from leader) were too long, and cutback was needed to stop the lengthening/thickening of these branches

My Thought Process
Looking at the pre-prune picture, an informal upright or "slant" style seemed feasible. I tried to prune and wire accordingly after the first pruning. However after looking at the tree, I knew there was something wrong... it did not resemble a cutback that more experienced practitioners would do. The shoots turned upside down from my twisting/bending of the wire, and a lot of my foliage was now on the underside... perhaps a lesson in the steps/considerations when planning to both prune and wire at once. So for second pruning, I reduced the length of the shoots and then re-wired more carefully. I think the wiring is far better, but something still feels off.
I still cannot visualize an apex or front. Perhaps another lesson in having a clear gameplan before getting the scissors out.
TLDR - I have a tree that will probably always be ugly, but I wanna learn from my mistakes! Please roast me!