Wee Japanese maple


Neagari Gal
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NE Ohio: zone 4 (USA) lake microclimate
Okay...a lighter for size reference. A wee little twisting tree.

Species: Japanese maple
Pot: Masako Kunii

A video showing at its best...

I must say I love that pot. And of course you already know I think the tree suits you 🙂
Thanks... 🥰 yeah...and it just makes me smile.
Not familiar with masako kunii. Will need to look them up!
I remember buying it off a site located in Japan. What a headache... not only language barrier...but then font size needed to fit the platform. I had it paid for just before going on our mission trip.

To only get an email while in the capital city...if I didn't finalize with the shipping end, then my order would be canceled. my apps for conversion was back in the states...and we were to leave for the village the next morning with no internet. I about flipped out. But figured it out...as you can see.

The potter is female...I know that trying to learn about who made it.
I think it would look good if you can find a cool little rock to put it over too.

Learned real quick that for a tiny tree. I should have pinched that foliage back yesterday on the apex... it was crazy long this morning as I thought I forgot to do it. So lost an additional set of leaves. Lesson learned. Something so tiny. You must pinch immediately...or you will set the thing back.
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