Like the tree, Mach, and I, too, agree with Don, three:). I imagine that as this tree gets refined the viewer will get a sense of energy surging from the center of the tree; radiating out like a lightning burst. This tree has characteristics like some of the brooms in nature that I've seen, and it's similar to some of the trees WP posted in this thread of page 8.

Yes I am playing with the idea of styling it a bit like Walter's famous big maple. I think this tree is absolutely imperfect. Let's see how we can fix this one! :D
Seems to be the case! If you can't move it, just cut it short, it'll pop a bud that you can continue on. Or you could try the v notch approach, I'd be interested to see if that would work...

Yes I will see what I can do with it. :)
The lower left branch does seem stuck on there (like a thread graft), hard to explain but it doesn't seem to transition well to it maybe because it is out of proportion maybe compared to the main trunks/branches at the top?

I agree Max specially from this front. Keep in mind that this tree still has a lot of work to go through.
Hmmm interesting! I am usually pretty good at picking that sort of stuff up, but have to say that the "right hand bones" thing never came up. It's amazing what different things we all can see in images.

My daughter recently broke her right hand and I've been looking at a lot of X-rays lately so all I see are bones now.
I think your trees are stunning. I could work for 2 more decades and still not learn as much as you have forgotten. Your work inspires me. Thanks for sharing.

Well said and I feel the same way.

Thank you both for the kind words. I do know one thing. Bonsai continues to teach me how little I know.
I'm usually not a fan of clumps, but this one is cool. I get what you're saying about the first branch on the left. I kind of it makes me uncomfortable. I would be so tempted to remove it.
KM, yes you and many others would like to remove that smaller trunk. That's ok too and the design could work without it. With a little patience and time I will try and see if I can make it work ;)
Late winter update. I spent nearly 10 hours cleaning up and wiring this maple in an effort to bring it one step further. I am planning in making a slight change of front again turning the tree counterclockwise. The intended new front is close to where it was when originally purchased.

This is how the tree looked before the work one week ago.

And this is after, turned to show new front. Cedar wood spacers were used to separate the trunks from each other and give them more movement as they were too straight and parallel to each other. Also this opened up the space between the two largest trunks to allow the thinner and smaller sixth trunk to be visible. This smaller trunk I think helps add a nice variety of sizes to the composition.

Detail of trunk and nebari which spreads nicely around the tree.

Detail of cedar wood spacers.

At the top of the tallest trunk, a thread graft was made to place a much needed branch.

A progression from March 2015 to February 2016.

Night shot.

Beautiful. The spacing and rotation are significant improvements. Tough to tell from a 2d pic, but I want to rotate a degree or two clockwise and pull the small back trunk slightly to the left. The apex of the tall trunk is not ideal at this time, but its work in progress and its progressing nicely.
Wow, I think Fred said it all.

Any way you can get that lowest small left trunk to angle up with the trunk more as it leaves the trunk, and then curve out and away? Something about it bugs me. But it's a very tiny bug!
Possible to graft a new apex on that left main tree?

View attachment 95491

Yes sure! As a matter of fact I was going to use one of the long whips and bring one around and thread grafted to create a new leader. But changed my mind. At this moment I do like the change of direction it has and I am even thinking of possibly creating two apexes for this trunk. I will play around with it and see. All is still in progress. If all else fails I know I can always graft.

BTW Al thanks for your virt! :)
A huge improvement Mach!

I do like Smoke's apex.

I wonder how long it will take for the cedar spacer to do its job?

Thanks Adair! There is quite a bit of pressure on the spacer between the two largest trunks. I really bent one of them curving it to the side and forwards perhaps not as apparent in the photo. My guess is that it will take at least two full growing seasons if not more to fully set it in place.
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