Try to put things into perspective: How much does it cost to go to the Supper Bowl, or the World Series, or the Stanley Cup? Those events are very expensive, many of us long timers will never be able to afford this considering how our health care is falling apart and there are more expensive things to spend our money on than sports or bonssai-------------------??! Just because someone is new to bonsai does not mean they do not have goals to aspire to. When you try to eliminate goals to be achieved you remove the pride of accomplishment and personally this is one of the problems I have with bonsai today; it don't mean nutten any more.
i wouldnt know cause i dont watch sports - but someone interested in learning about football probably isnt going to choose the super bowl for their first introduction to the sport. i doubt they would enjoy/understand as much as someone who had been watching awhile, understood the rules, terminology strategy rivalry etc.
instead they are probably going to watch tv with friends who explain the rules, etc and if the bug bites - eventually one day they catch a game.
i think the same would apply to a newbie shoveling out 400 bucks for a demo. if they want to - more power to them - but why would they spend that much for something they may not even want to pursue?
all i know is i have a shit ton of money sitting in my backyard with nobody to give them to when i die. i thought part of the mystique, appeal, philosphy behind bonsai was the perpetuity of the tree over generations. that means more to me than the price of admission.