Trees stolen again... I'm done

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This must feel similar to having a pet stolen.
I think most “common” people would be able to imagine how that feels.
My condolences to you, I’d be grieving too.
So awful. I commend you for not sinking into your crutch and doing the meeting instead. I hope that they are found and get what the scumbags deserve. Here's to you getting your house, so you can be at peace instead of dealing with this stress all the time.
The same 2 came back again this year for more of my trees. They stole some last year, but there were no cameras then. I gave a police report with video from the cameras. I live in a condo so I can't keep them anywhere else. I either have to move or quit the hobby entirely. I can't keep having my heart ripped out like this. They took 6 more. Some crappy, but one I really loved.
I started drinking again last time this happened, this time I'm going to a meeting.
I'm just posting to vent, because you guys understand how this feels. The police seem like they are clueless as to how valuable these trees are to me. I would rather they stole my car.
so sorry to hear this bad news. but karma will be there soon
I am so angry and saddened to see this. Why, just why?
I'm so sorry for your loss.
The video is just infuriating!
Good on you for getting to a meeting rather than trying to numb the feelings.

I hate thieves. Decades ago when I was a young struggling carpenter, someone broke into my farmhouse and stole a prized pocket watch. Years later, when I first moved to DC, they stole ALL of my tools---not just power tools, but also hammers and screw drivers.
I think theft is always a desperate act by people who have few options.
I think theft is always a desperate act by people who have few options.
I'll edit this to say "people who give themselves few options."
There's always another way if you care to find it. Those guys in the video are no worse off than I am, but I learned a different way.

Pisses me off that so many thugs show such great entrepreneurial promises, but between America's socioeconomic crapshow and their own mental blunt force trauma they somehow choose this garbage.
Dude, go legit and be a millionaire!
I'll edit this to say "people who give themselves few options."
There's always another way if you care to find it. Those guys in the video are no worse off than I am, but I learned a different way.

Pisses me off that so many thugs show such great entrepreneurial promises, but between America's socioeconomic crapshow and their own mental blunt force trauma they somehow choose this garbage.
Dude, go legit and be a millionaire!
If you and your idiot friend are stealing potted plants off of someone's veranda, you ain't a Mensa candidate. Their brains probably rattle around in their heads like BBs in a boxcar. Crooks in general aren't all that smart. SOME are, but these two slackjawed dimwits aint.
If you and your idiot friend are stealing potted plants off of someone's veranda, you ain't a Mensa candidate. Their brains probably rattle around in their heads like BBs in a boxcar. Crooks in general aren't all that smart. SOME are, but these two slackjawed dimwits aint.
Maybe, but if they can turn a profit on sticks in pots then they can run a hotdog stand for less risk and less harm.
That's all I'm saying.
Would coiling about 15' of wire which is attached to the bench be considered a "booby trap?"
Pick up tree, start getaway, tree comes to end of wire.
Tree stops.
Thief gets pissed. Maybe yells. 🤔

Call it a "fastener."
Two weirdo's that stole some bonsai that likely have no resale value. At least I can somehow understand why people would steal really valuable stuff. I can kinda get it why people would break into a major bonsai resaler and steal their most valuable trees. Don't real thugs steal like diamonds or gold?
WTF is the point? So this guy now has a bonsai and everytime they look at it they are "Hey I stole that. I am so proud! I wish though I knew how to properly train and develop it. Like the person who I stole it from did."
Also, there's two of them. So one of these proposed to the other "Hey let's go into that yard and grab some bonsai." and the other guy was like "Yeah that's a good idea. Sounds like fun!"

And one guy has his t shirt in mis mouth to hide his face? Wut. The other pulled his shirt over his head on one side, and is grabbing the collar of his shirt with his chin. So they knew there was a camera.
I guess this wasn't worth the effort to buy a 3 USD balaklava for.

Do you know these guys? Are they not just fucking with you? It does seem they picked out the nicer ones, though.

This is like your neighbor sneaking into your yard to steal your tomato seedlings because they forgot to sow their own. Or sneaking into a an amateur painters workshop to steal their unfinished painting.

BTW, what is the square thing the guy is holding between his arm and torso when he walks in? Did they also steal that? Or could it be a hint?

But some people do have a weird sense of property and entitlement. I put a bunch of potted azaleas on the pavement in front of my garden to give them away, with a "free azalea's" sign. I gave away about 100 of them.
But then some people/neighbors/people walking their dog/retired people cycling/whoever, thought the sign I put up also meant they could pull full/dig up large planted azaleas out of my garden! And ignoring the potted plant at the base of the sign.
If it is free, it is free, right! Why take a free small potted azalea if there's also large mature plants in full flower?
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in a few places ive stayed these types of people are known as "bitch ass crackheads", regardless of actual usage, of course. since moving to the country into my own house, it's been years since I've got to chase one with a bat.
in a few places ive stayed these types of people are known as "bitch ass crackheads", regardless of actual usage, of course. since moving to the country into my own house, it's been years since I've got to chase one with a bat.
Lol you sound disappointed the bat hasn't gotten more use...
BTW, what is the square thing the guy is holding between his arm and torso when he walks in?

Aye. Looks like porch pirates found a different mission.
@Kahless box up some dog doo and leave it on the porch!
Definitely don't quit or give in.


You have my deepest sympathy. I've moved for lesser insults, and even sold a house for a loss to get away from bad neighbors. I don't know if it's possible for you, but something like a roof top garden that's accessible from inside the house only, could be a solution.
My current abode is a suburban house with fenced backyard and attack pinscher. The neighborhood is not the worst but also not the best. Criminals are everywhere... 😡
Sorry, this happened again. :( Sure would discourage me, and then I'd build a IED on pot pick up, wake up to a loud bang & red mist, I'm a vengeful dog. Little joke to maybe help. :)

House plants, sniper rifle, and Tropical trees until you can move maybe.
Good way to rid the world of... never mind. Since they are repeat offenders, it would be easy to set them up with decoy bonsai. Fake them out. I like the airtag idea too.
I’m so sorry!
Does your camera give you alerts at the time this is happening? Apple air tags may allow you to follow them. Obviously I don’t want you to engage with them but it would be awesome to see them get caught!
I would love to see a video of someone with a shotgun saying put them back and get off my property. Also I understand that people are crazy and I don’t want you to get hurt.
shotgun? umm no that's too mild. how about a ar-15 or if want to be somewhat nice a .357 7 inch barrel?
You have my deepest sympathy. I've moved for lesser insults, and even sold a house for a loss to get away from bad neighbors. I don't know if it's possible for you, but something like a roof top garden that's accessible from inside the house only, could be a solution.
My current abode is a suburban house with fenced backyard and attack pinscher. The neighborhood is not the worst but also not the best. Criminals are everywhere... 😡
I'm in the Chicago metro area..... our governor, mayors and states attorney basically protects criminals. however everyone in my area knows that since I have CCW I am armed 24/7 and have a really sweet 80 pound pit bull who is the sweetest boy with people who are invited or he meets on walks, but also has radar ears and alerts to the slightest sound..... and does not like strangers prowling around.
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