Tips on repotting both the smallest and largest of bonsai using the Mirai methodology

I'm a student of God. Let's see you beat that one.

I can't : how can you prove that something that doesn't exist doesn't exist ?

How can you prove I'm not an angel sent by God Almighty to help you find "The Truth" ? 😄

Hiding His Almighty plan to make your likes become "Human beings" ?... ;)

Pray, pray, pray. Maybe the Lord in His Glory prefer people who learn, and think. Do you know what He teaches in his school ?

As His envoy on earth, disguised in a foreign troublemaker to improve your Faith, I know : knowledge, science, not religion. I asked Him a minute ago, and He said "Be careful, imbeciles can kill in the Name of Me".

He then had a blow, took a sip of His Golden wine glass, and said "What the f..." (I couldn't hear the last words because of the sun explosions, the connection was bad).
I can't : how can you prove that something that doesn't exist doesn't exist ?

How can you prove I'm not an angel sent by God Almighty to help you find "The Truth" ? 😄

Hiding His Almighty plan to make your likes become "Human beings" ?... ;)

Pray, pray, pray. Maybe the Lord in His Glory prefer people who learn, and think. Do you know what He teaches in his school ?

As His envoy on earth, disguised in a foreign troublemaker to improve your Faith, I know : knowledge, science, not religion. I asked Him a minute ago, and He said "Be careful, imbeciles can kill in the Name of Me".

He then had a blow, took a sip of His Golden wine glass, and said "What the f..." (I couldn't hear the last words because of the sun explosions, the connection was bad).
You're straining at a nat and trying to swallow a camel. Relationships with God don't need to be so dire and mocking him wont help you. Sorry if my post put you in a bad place, I'm sorry that was not my intention. Maybe if you show a tree you have developed from scratch it might prove your philosophies. You don't seem to show trees very often, or is it at all?
Hi Vance,

I won't comment any further on "God". Google "george carlin religion" and you'll know what I think.

When I was an early teens, I even belonged to a young workers christian association, but I'm an adult now.

You don't seem to show trees very often, or is it at all?

Well, I alteady showed you a few of my trees. Of course, you seem to be more into pines, I prefer maples.

Here, it's 01:45, and I confess I'm a bit drunk, but but if you want, I'll post some photos, just for you.
Hi Vance,

I won't comment any further on "God". Google "george carlin religion" and you'll know what I think.

When I was an early teens, I even belonged to a young workers christian association, but I'm an adult now.

Well, I alteady showed you a few of my trees. Of course, you seem to be more into pines, I prefer maples.

Here, it's 01:45, and I confess I'm a bit drunk, but but if you want, I'll post some photos, just for you.
I suppose I should be allowed my last words on the subject: I was raised an atheist, I went through Viet Nam and remained and atheist, did not see my faults till I was in my latew 20's. You can believe what you like, it does not offend me, just makes me sad.
I suppose I should be allowed my last words on the subject: I was raised an atheist, I went through Viet Nam and remained and atheist, did not see my faults till I was in my latew 20's. You can believe what you like, it does not offend me, just makes me sad.
I know this is not really bonsai talk but I can’t look at a flower and not believe there is a Creator that made it. Such perfect miracles happen everyday and it makes me smile.
Such perfect miracles happen everyday

Simple Mathematics.

"God" if you like, but remember how religions fought for centuries against science. And some, the evangelists, the islamists, the traditional catholics, etc. are still fighting against common sense, brainwashing people's minds.

It's so easy to make people believe in anything.

Just for the fun :

I suppose people who went abroad to fight a "just" war and...

I never wade into these conversations, but I think this comment is utterly disrespectful no matter what you thought of the war. Some were drafted and had no choice as to whether they thought it was just or not. I never really take issue with anything you post, but fuck off with this comment.
"God" if you like, but remember how religions fought for centuries against science. And some, the evangelists, the islamists, the traditional catholics, etc. are still fighting against common sense, brainwashing people's minds.

It's so easy to make people believe in anything.

And please can we stop crapping on each other's beliefs just because it doesn't align with yours? If a certain belief or religious practice brings someone a moment of relief in this crazy fucked up world, can we just accept that and leave that person in peace? I frankly don't care what you believe in as long as it brings you stability and happiness and doesn't interfere with my life.

If someone stopped to bless me in their own way using their own belief system wouldn't interrupt to let them know that their blessing is all wrong and is in fact a product of being brainwashed. Just accept what brings other people comfort and move the fuck on.
Just murder should be legal.

Simple Mathematics.

"God" if you like, but remember how religions fought for centuries against science. And some, the evangelists, the islamists, the traditional catholics, etc. are still fighting against common sense, brainwashing people's minds.

It's so easy to make people believe in anything.

Just for the fun :

Who but the indoctrinated and brain washed says that science has all the answers?
Who but the indoctrinated and brain washed says that science has all the answers?

I certainly won't.

The indoctrinated and brain-washed say that religion (whichever it is, all the same, but different) has all the answers.

Well, admit that religious school, yeshiva, madarsa, etc. are ways to force creeds in developping people's minds. Shaping juvenile brains into believing anything.

They can be good things, I am sort of an atheist christian now. I mean, I'm not 10 years old, I'm 65 now. I still believe in essential values that I think are in the gospels, not the "bible" (we could discuss this for hours).

You can "believe" anything, but science is above believing, and that's not blasphemy.

When I was a kid, one of my favourite visit at the weekends was the Natrural Sciences Museum. On the third floor there was the archeology rooms. One day, I met Abbé Nouel, the cliché of a jesuit seeking truth in science.

He opened a drawer and gave me flintstones that were collected on a nearby site, not arrows or axes, just bits of a kernel used to make tools.

He believed in science. He knew that Adam and Eve didn't ride on the back of dinosaurs (so he was much more intelligent than Mike Pence, huh huh). He believed in god, but that didn't make him stupid.

Gregor Mendel is another example of a believer which is not a stupid asshole like all halfwit religious followers (whatever their "religion") are. Although a monk, he's the father of genetics.

Knowledge opens your mind, "religions" draws you backwards. But from what I said before, believing in (any form of) god doesn't mean you've got it all wrong : it all depends on how you interpret the texts that were written centuries ago, in a different region with a different culture.

I live in the 21st century, and science is at the same time scary and carrying a lot of hopes for our future.

God ?

-Aide-toi et le ciel t'aidera-

Well, if there's one, he's watching us fumbling with how to make this world (His world?) better. He must be rather perplexed.

No hard feelings I hope...

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Alain: Someone has to be mocked in your way of thinking. Just remember, to mock God is a dangerous thing and shows a faulty reasoning, especially when in your mocking you are critically wrong in putting Adam and Eve on the backs of Dinosaurs. If your opinion on Religion is correct you should not have to make things up to get a paoint accross, in fact this tact should be avoided at all costs. When I was an atheist I did not engage in this type of rhetoric.
I watched a JRE last night about how scientists dismiss a great flood because it's biblical. When it is true, oh so true.

The 20,000 year old Pyramid they found in Indonesia!?

Fuck scientists!

And if we think the "books" that guide religions today are false, we are stupid.
If we think we understand them, we are also stupid.
If we think they are the first guides of religion we are really really stupid.

I believe in whatever is real. It can be God-like, but I won't call it that, out of respect for what it really is.
Man invented "God".

Man is ignorant.

Fuck scientists!
Hey man, don't go there. You can disagree with a certain standpoint, a certain field, a hypothesis, a conclusion, all good. But these kind of statements feel personal.
Still, I'll defend your right to say them to the death.
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