Tips on repotting both the smallest and largest of bonsai using the Mirai methodology

Hey man, don't go there. You can disagree with a certain standpoint, a certain field, a hypothesis, a conclusion, all good. But these kind of statements feel personal.
Still, I'll defend your right to say them to the death.

Forgive me, it was prefaced with thoughts of particular people not outright mentioned.

Just as I know their are good police, I know there are good scientists.

But to me, for either to be Great, they must stand against those doing wrong.

And the great can't be brought down.

Forgive me, it was prefaced with thoughts of particular people not outright mentioned.

Just as I know their are good police, I know there are good scientists.

But to me, for either to be Great, they must stand against those doing wrong.

And the great can't be brought down.


I think the Great are an illusion. Just like the purely bad with no good in them, they don't exist.
The sooner we're willing to admit that, the better it is for the world.
If a hundred good deeds cannot make up for one bad one, then it makes no sense to distinguish between the two. It makes no sense to forgive. It makes no sense to even ask.
The gradients and scales are lost nowadays. Judgments have become binary.

He that is without sin among you..
Nobody is.
Stop casting the stones and put them on a scale instead.
Without the scale, there's just a pile to pick from.
Nobody ever picks the diamonds or the flowers to throw, those are lost, covered in mud and rubble from the pile if not kept separate.
The ones that do reveal their shine are quickly pocketed by the rock throwers, so the pile can continue to be searched and the rocks can keep hailing.
Pockets grow heavy, the pile grows ever lighter. One sinner executed by sins, the rest of the sinners showering themselves with diamonds and flowers.
I stand against that.
To me there still is a difference between justice and vengeance. The latter turns everyone a sinner.
The great truth is there isn't one
And it only gets worse since that conclusion
The irony of being an extension to nothing
And the force of inertia is now a vital factor
And there is despair underneath each and every action
Each and every attempt to pierce the armour of numbness
Burning bridges becomes a habit to support
And the front line expands like there's no tomorrow

I think the Great are an illusion. Just like the purely bad with no good in them, they don't exist.
The sooner we're willing to admit that, the better it is for the world.
If a hundred good deeds cannot make up for one bad one, then it makes no sense to distinguish between the two. It makes no sense to forgive. It makes no sense to even ask.
The gradients and scales are lost nowadays. Judgments have become binary.

He that is without sin among you..
Nobody is.
Stop casting the stones and put them on a scale instead.
Without the scale, there's just a pile to pick from.
Nobody ever picks the diamonds or the flowers to throw, those are lost, covered in mud and rubble from the pile if not kept separate.
The ones that do reveal their shine are quickly pocketed by the rock throwers, so the pile can continue to be searched and the rocks can keep hailing.
Pockets grow heavy, the pile grows ever lighter. One sinner executed by sins, the rest of the sinners showering themselves with diamonds and flowers.
I stand against that.
To me there still is a difference between justice and vengeance. The latter turns everyone a sinner.


See what you started?!
Ah, man, sorry for that. I didn't know it offended you that much. I could've guessed though!
Well you don't have too be sorry. My point is: why are you telling people( on the biggest bonsai forum on the world) how they should do bonsai, wire, craft etc etc and for yourself you are doing: "miniature representations of cultured nature in a pot" Please tell me the different so I can get your point? If you have that much knowledge (and you have!) than why don't you haven't got any "miniature representations of cultured nature in a pot"? Best sailors are on shore! I'm being defensive. Hoping people seeing what bonsai (or whatever you want to call it) is. I can learn, I'm learning. Would you?
Well you don't have too be sorry. My point is: why are you telling people( on the biggest bonsai forum on the world) how they should do bonsai, wire, craft etc etc and for yourself you are doing: "miniature representations of cultured nature in a pot" Please tell me the different so I can get your point? If you have that much knowledge (and you have!) than why don't you haven't got any "miniature representations of cultured nature in a pot"? Best sailors are on shore! I'm being defensive. Hoping people seeing what bonsai (or whatever you want to call it) is. I can learn, I'm learning. Would you?
If you look closely, I rarely tell people how to do bonsai, how to wire or how to craft, and when I do it's from my own experience but I never lay it down as an absolute truth. I mostly tell people how I think they can keep their plants healthy, I tell people what I read from others. You get defensive because you believe I'm doing something that I'm not doing.
I made the statement about cultured nature in a pot because I like bonsai but I know I'm not doing it yet. I know for a fact that you wouldn't call my trees bonsai, because they're not bonsai. They might become pre-bonsai in the future, but I'm starting with raw material and seeds, so I'm taking my time slowly. I'm not fooling myself or anyone else by saying I do bonsai. As long as my tiny trees aren't bonsai, I'm not going to call them bonsai. Some of those trees are in bonsai soil, in bonsai pots and I apply bonsai techniques on them. I learn from that, I like talking about that. But none of them have the age or the quality to be called bonsai.
So in essence, I'm not being the best sailor on the shore, I'm telling people I'm not even a sailor but I do know how to tie a rope and how to care for a boat. Again, if you look closely, I'm talking more about boat care than sailing itself.
I honestly think you have the wrong impression.
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