Thoughts on Peter Chan? (Herons Bonsai)

I am very new here and to bonsai. I will be visiting the UK next summer. Has anyone been through this garden and should I make a special trip to walk the gardens? I do enjoy his videos and his approach.

Wisley is a nice large ornamental garden - have a look at
Not that easy to get to without a car.

The 'bonsai walk' trees are what you see in the videos you link to - you won't find anything more.
I used to frequent Peter when i got started
people say hes nearly a bonsai god
but others say he's an old newbie!

i think he gets a lot of stick, but im one of the few who still watches his content. even though i have my own way of doing things. he works on a lot of raw stock and i love to work on raw stock. there arent many out there who actually show you how they work on their trees. but here he's working on client trees, i would of made similar cuts although maybe cutting back harder in areas.
i think a few folks could probably learn a few things from this video. removing thicker branches and keeping thinner ones here n there. removing branches that dont fit into the design.

all fundamental approaches to taking trees forward. if youre at least 5 years into the hobby, these are basics that should be ingrained. but many still dont get it.
obviously he can be a bit heavy handed at times, but there are still many things you can take from his videos.
I am a fan of Peter Chan.
I usually learn something watching his videos.
They are also entertaining to me and I enjoy watching his enthusiasm.
I admire when he doesn’t remember the name of a tree he will say- I don’t remember and not try to make something up. Seems like a hell of a guy to me.
He CAN do good work, but his real drive is to get bonsai to the masses. Like I mentioned, he said he has 20,000 trees on the nursery. he just can't afford to do a full-blown styling on even 1% of them. He doesn't seem to have many really over the top ,high end junipers. That's just not his "thing". This last maple is not a $100,000 tree from a wealthy client. He was not trying to make a grandious statement with it. He asked the client what he wanted and that's what he did.
I think the thing that bothers me about Nigel is that he spends so much time doing things that are counterproductive.

Most notably, bare root repots for seemingly no reason.

More power to him, but I think it's bad advice for beginners usually.
I won’t get into the Nigel / Peter C side of things.....BUT I remember seeing Peter Adams in a photo in one of his books with the tagline admitting that “the author’s hair was overdue a prune!”....and that chap properly knew what he was doing, so hair has little bearing! :D
Peter Chan is like watching someone polish crystal with a sledge hammer. Bassic styling, the rules we learned from bonsai 101 when we thought rules were important; specifically bar branches seem to be of no significande to him. Other than that he is entertaining.
I think there are many stages of bonsai, both trees & artist owners. The same as there are many ways to drive to a new location. To me as a beginner it is enjoying the art & keeping the tree alive.
im one of the few who still watches his content
Curious as to why you think you are one of the few that still watch his content... he has over 160k subscribers... his new videos rack up nearly 20k views per week.
I think a ton of us watch his content.
.... Everything else you said in your post I wholeheartedly agree with!😁
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