Do you happen to have any pics of the dogwood defoliated? That this is amazing.
Per the “rules” of the thread, your supposed to post a pic of one of your shohin with ever comment.Any tips for keeping these things alive? I have a couple I collected a year ago. I planted em in the ground. To my surprise they would get droopy if not watered regularly early this summer. I started watering them more and they put out a lot of new growth. Like 10 inch straight shoots. I trimmed back part of the growth mid summer on one of them and it think it might have killed it.
Also. Here’s some info on sagebrush. Can’t remember if any of it is useful.

Collected Sagebrush (Artemisia Tridentata)
Several threads on these, but I thought I’d start one with my experiences so far. In Taos, NM where my wife is from, there are acres and acres and acres....and acres of Sagebrush. I had been planning to dig some for years but only got to it this spring in late March. I collected 3 small just...