Straight, white, conservative male here and I don't agree. We humans give ourselves way too much credit for our decisions - I think we totally overlook that we are the direct product of society. As hunter/gatherers, men and women clearly played different roles. In today's concrete jungle, so much of gender differentiation is arbitrary. I was called "queer" growing up for having long hair, because only girls had long hair. Only girls garden. Only boys do jiu jitsu. BS. We have less women in STEM because of this silly distinction. I do believe in biological sex, but my son's desire to crochet doesn't freak me out. I lean on my wife's salary when needed. She has me cook when needed. So what roles are we discussing? I haven't had a ton of lesbian friends, but my gay friends don't follow your roles. Some are both very manly men. Others are both swooshy (is that ok to say, because they use that word around me?). BTW, I've had my ass handed to me in jiu jitsu by girly girls.As a teenager in high school I deeply feel that gender confusion and the roles(performance) of gender is going to have detrimental consequences. I want to point out that I am talking about Gender in humans. Yes I know some animals actually can change genders and it’s performances but humans can’t change genders and can’t completely change its performances.
In a heterosexual relationship there is the masculine and the feminine. This is also same in homosexual relationships. The more neutral each person is, the less strong the connection is. The only issue is that in homosexual relationships it’s just not possible (/or even healthy for society) to have a masculine man and a feminine man/ or a masculine women and a feminine women.
God clearly created the man to be the masculine and women to be the feminine. When there is a relationship other than a masculine man and a feminine women then it’s not healthy at all.
Our society has “pride” for this but it’s ruining this society. My school has females that identify as males, and males that identify as females. But now we are forgetting that we are humans. There are lots of kids who identify as cats, bunnies, tigers, dogs, and other nonsense. One of the most important reasons for having gender roles is procreation which is now decreasing amongst the latest generations. However, this wouldn’t be happening if society didn’t promote these silly ideas.
But my question is really - why does anyone give a shit? Why does anyone care who I love or what I do in the bedroom? Why would my dress code cause societal rifts? How can the delegation of duties between me and my wife dictate gender roles? I truly do not understand why we as a society are fighting about these issues. Can't we just leave people alone and let me be me? I have never once had someone check inside my pants before using the men's room.
We arbitrarily decided how to express masculinity and femininity. One need look no further than history to prove this. The great thing about the First Amendment is you can disagree. But we need to let others disagree as well.