the queer folks thread

In 2024 almost all public debates devolve into nonsense. I am terrible at keeping secrets, so I will leave your privacy intact.
If I thought you would do that, I wouldnt have invited the convo. My concern was not you but rather opening this up to a public debate that would quickly devolve into nonsense.

In 2024 almost all public debates devolve into nonsense. I am terrible at keeping secrets, so I will leave your privacy intact.

Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets!
How are folks doing? To put it mildly, it’s a very stressful—and in many places, dangerous—time to be a queer person in the States.

Personally, I’m having quite a lot of stress at work, coupled with the news (which I try to avoid, but it only works so far…) and have frankly not been handling it well. I’m hoping that my current vacation and upcoming visit to my teacher’s garden will help recenter me. And of course, spring means more bonsai work!
It's certainly unsettling how trans people have become the new mascot for wasteful government spending. It used to be jokes about NASA spending $1 million on a pen instead of using a pencil. Now it's a matter of race and gender.
My fiancée and I were planning a wedding for October but some of the cases that are making their way through the courts are kinds scary so we have canceled and we are going to do a courthouse wedding. We will do a celebration in 2026
My fiancée and I were planning a wedding for October but some of the cases that are making their way through the courts are kinds scary so we have canceled and we are going to do a courthouse wedding. We will do a celebration in 2026
I think that's a really smart move!. I know a young gay male couple who live in DC, and after the election I advised them to hurry with their wedding plans. They did register with the DC government as domestic partners before the inauguration, but as the opening weeks have unfolded, they recognize that an actual marriage bond may prove more durable in the courts in the coming years.

My husband and I are doing OK. There were some jitters this week about whether DOGE would stop my Social Security check, and I'm sure we'll be nervous about Husband's government pension check (after 35 years of service).
I'm certain that those jitters will continue as long as Trump/Musk are in office.

Still, we have many neighbors and friends whose job, indeed careers, are in question now. Grateful that wee have some stability.
So much for freedom
Now say that about Qatar. Come on, you have so much to say about the US, but when it comes to your buddies who fund your university, all we hear are crickets. Actually, you give them an "eid mubarek" instead. You can just as easily message them about their lack of human rights and complete intolerance for the LGBTQ community, not to mention their funding of international terrorism. Let's see you speak truth to power. Nah, you're not going to jeopardize your grants. You seem to want "freedom" like Qatar, but can't stand actual freedom as it exists in Israel. Can I get a "pink washing"? Really, let's test how much "freedom" you actually have and tell the truth about Qatar. How is the palestinian track record on LGBTQ rights? Please do tell us how important LGBTQ rights are to you as you support the complete and absolute denial of their humanity in gaza, the west bank, qatar, UAE, etc etc.
Now say that about Qatar. Come on, you have so much to say about the US, but when it comes to your buddies who fund your university, all we hear are crickets. Actually, you give them an "eid mubarek" instead. You can just as easily message them about their lack of human rights and complete intolerance for the LGBTQ community, not to mention their funding of international terrorism. Let's see you speak truth to power. Nah, you're not going to jeopardize your grants. You seem to want "freedom" like Qatar, but can't stand actual freedom as it exists in Israel. Can I get a "pink washing"? Really, let's test how much "freedom" you actually have and tell the truth about Qatar. How is the palestinian track record on LGBTQ rights? Please do tell us how important LGBTQ rights are to you as you support the complete and absolute denial of their humanity in gaza, the west bank, qatar, UAE, etc etc.
You have such a strange and complicated set of resentments. We need a diagram.
You have such a strange and complicated set of resentments. We need a diagram.
And the lefty has entered to say nothing and start with the ad hominem. My views are not complicated at all - I just don't like hypocrisy nor virtue signaling. Now please say something substantive in response to what I said. Remember, if you can so easily dismiss me because you deemed my view as "strange", don't be surprised when your views are easily dismissed the exact same way by others. If you can be so down on this great nation that affords you rights and civil liberties you would receive practically nowhere else, surely you can speak out against those nations that kill the LGBTQ as a matter of "honor"?

And, frankly, you don't know me. As a Jew I have learned long ago that we all have rights in this nation or none of us do. Your rights are important to me, if for no other reason, because that is how I assure my rights. And so Jews were at the forefront of the civil rights movement and the gay rights movement. Because I know when they come for you I am next. Did you really believe that the left would create a society where I would be denied my identity but you would preserve yours? Did you really believe that rioting in the streets and on campus would be limited to me? Because this same prejudice is reciprocal - when they come for me first, you are next. Live and learn, as it looks like it's your turn again. We rise or fall together. And so I will continue to lend my time and energy to your causes, regardless of how you view me.

When the kefiyahs are in full swing, don't be surprised when the white hoods and Confederate Flags follow. When majority rule can be used to deny my identity in contravention of the civil liberties afforded to me by our Constitutional Republic, then don't be surprised when majority vote does the same to you. I'm not resentful. If Trump's first month in office is any indication, I'm actually sitting pretty. But if you helped create a society where a tiny minority can be allowed to steal the spotlight to "globalize the intifada" (that means kill Jews worldwide), just imagine what the majority will be allowed to do to you under Trump. And then you will ask that others join you, but it is actually you who is resentful that I dare even ask that you join me. So stand alone as I do.
And the lefty has entered to say nothing and start with the ad hominem. My views are not complicated at all - I just don't like hypocrisy nor virtue signaling. Now please say something substantive in response to what I said. Remember, if you can so easily dismiss me because you deemed my view as "strange", don't be surprised when your views are easily dismissed the exact same way by others. If you can be so down on this great nation that affords you rights and civil liberties you would receive practically nowhere else, surely you can speak out against those nations that kill the LGBTQ as a matter of "honor"?

And, frankly, you don't know me. As a Jew I have learned long ago that we all have rights in this nation or none of us do. Your rights are important to me, if for no other reason, because that is how I assure my rights. And so Jews were at the forefront of the civil rights movement and the gay rights movement. Because I know when they come for you I am next. Did you really believe that the left would create a society where I would be denied my identity but you would preserve yours? Did you really believe that rioting in the streets and on campus would be limited to me? Because this same prejudice is reciprocal - when they come for me first, you are next. Live and learn, as it looks like it's your turn again. We rise or fall together. And so I will continue to lend my time and energy to your causes, regardless of how you view me.

When the kefiyahs are in full swing, don't be surprised when the white hoods and Confederate Flags follow. When majority rule can be used to deny my identity in contravention of the civil liberties afforded to me by our Constitutional Republic, then don't be surprised when majority vote does the same to you. I'm not resentful. If Trump's first month in office is any indication, I'm actually sitting pretty. But if you helped create a society where a tiny minority can be allowed to steal the spotlight to "globalize the intifada" (that means kill Jews worldwide), just imagine what the majority will be allowed to do to you under Trump. And then you will ask that others join you, but it is actually you who is resentful that I dare even ask that you join me. So stand alone as I do.
Are you lost? This is supposed to be a supportive thread for LGBTQ+ members not for cis straight people to rant at us, though it aways seems to happen.

You're not even participating in the current conversation so please take your personal hangups elsewhere.
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You're not even participating in the current conversation so please take your personal hangups elsewhere.
Whatever. These aren't my personal hangups, but a shared challenge for us all. Hear me or don't. Doesn't change my life in any way. I also know your community is not a monolith and your opinion is yours alone.

And now I will join my 11 year old to nerd it up with other members of "your" community to play some good ol' Magic the Gathering. I'll be identifying as an Elder Dragon Highlander.
I know this subject in general is a little like walking a tight rope with today's climate.

This is a support and celebration thread. If there are any disagreements, please keep them extremely civil or take them elsewhere.

This isn't the place to air out the dirty laundry or one's opposing opinons. I feel like I should also meantion (as this is a international gathering place) that just because someone lives in a country does not mean they agree/disagree with how their governing body acts. Unless they are in a government position that can speak on behalf of said country, they are just some person who happens to live there.

Now to add to the discussion, I share the anxiety and fear of what might come against the queer folk. I am thankful to live in a place that is more accepting of people for who they are.

To those in the less friendly areas, do know that do what I can to support y'all.
Never been one much to feed the trolls…

Don’t forget that division is part of the agenda, it’s part of how they bring is all down. Studying intersectionality leads to the inevitable conclusion that the promotion of equity and inclusion for all (note that that phrase itself has become a huge boogieman) is better for all of us. When my black, white, and Asian neighbors are safer, I am safer. When my Muslim, Hindu, and Jewish neighbors are safer, I am safer.

The only way out is through, and the only way through is together.
I will exit stage right and leave you to your little bubble. I’ll be using the ignore feature in my life for things that don’t directly concern me as well. Thanks for the advice.

Intersectionality is a farse that specifically excludes me (and you know that) but I now understand your position much clearer. Thank you for explaining my place in your eyes. As for division, you are the one that just did that.
I love a good political debate, but that was unnecessarily hostile and weirdly specific. We may differ in our political opinions, but, at the end of the day, we're all just trying to do the right thing. Let's not lash out at others for trying a different approach to life.
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