Lol. Did you Intentionally ignore the myriad articles addressing the issue? Did you miss Linda sarsour and identifying Jews being excluded from the women’s march and all other intersectional events? How about Judith butler? How about the Jewish women thrown out of the dyke March? The right accepts gays the same way intersectionality accept Jews - so long as you don’t openly show any signs of Jewishness you are accepted. What you posted is so infuriating and disingenuous - gay Jews cannot march with you if they have an Israeli flag or a wear a Jewish star. Jews are “accepted” if we agree to march to globalize the intifada. You are now “accepted” the same way under Trump. Enjoy and say thank you.The claim is that Jews are explicitly excluded from intersectionality. This claim is surprising to me, so I was interested in determining the origin. What I found is that the origin of this claim is directly from the European Jewish Association, who made a resolution declaring that anti-semitism must be discussed separately from other phenomena of discrimination.
I guess you’re just having fun here feeling the “power” of being a majority on a bonsai site. Not the way to be. But the way you will learn is through the majority of the US and the complete dismantling of what you have grown accustomed to. Remember, you helped create a society where violence on campus and in the streets was ok. And now you will reap what you sow under Trump. None of this nonsense will be able to continue without constant US funding. The majority has now dictated that there are two sexes and two genders. You should not be overly surprised when the true majority treats you the way you treat others when you had a contrived majority.
I am never going back into the closet. Looks like your community is though under Trump. And when one takes money from Qatar to fund their grants, they should keep their mouth shut. Go boycott them if you really have moral compass.
And we should also address “chickens for KFC”. The lqbtq will exclude identifying Jews while you embrace Islamists who openly state you should be killed. A more extreme version of the “useful idiot” has never been encountered. Stupid is as stupid does.