You aren’t doing bonsai until you have had tortillas thrown at you for being too loud while making bonsai planters. @Orion_metalhead
Lmao. Im doing bonsai!!!!
You aren’t doing bonsai until you have had tortillas thrown at you for being too loud while making bonsai planters. @Orion_metalhead
Brilliant!!You aren't doing Bonsai until you convince the wife to take up pottery classes and tell her how good she is and then convince her to make you Bonsai pots.
Me and the squirrels are negotiating on styling decisions. We may be coming to an understanding. They have veto power over tree viability. I have veto power over squirrel viability. We're reaching detente after taking months to recognize the mutually assured destruction.97) you ain’t doing bonsai unless you have had rodents style your trees.
My custom pot is supposed to be in the kiln now! Can't wait to be doing bonsai.You aren’t doing bonsai until you have had a custom pot made for you.
I can go with the "trapped" part but the "deported" part ain't gonna happen with Cajuns. Does that mean all Cajuns cannot be doing bonsai?102- you aren’t doing bonsai until you have trapped and deported every squirrel in a two block radius. Ask me how I know this one.![]()
93) sometimes I wonder if I wired my children a little too tight and then think about their emotional wire scars.93) you ain’t doing bonsai until you have looked at your children and worried about their future development decided to wire them.
94) you ain’t doing bonsai unless you have killed more trees than a Colorado wild fire.
95) you ain’t doing bonsai until you have tried to grow anything but rocks in 120f+
96) you ain’t doing bonsai unless the topics of cut paste, perched water tables, and soil make you ready to fight.
97) you ain’t doing bonsai unless you have had rodents style your trees.
98) you ain’t doing bonsai unless vacations include holding trees on your lap coming home because the rest of the car looks like the Amazon rainforest.
99) you ain’t doing bonsai unless all the bookmarks on your browser are either to articles about bonsai or various suppliers.
100) you ain’t doing bonsai unless you admit that after 25 years, your are really still a noob.
What was it?108) You aren't doing bonsai unless you have stuck a finger in a hole made in a tree's substrate and felt something moving.