Steve C
Just picked up this honkoi cypress today, been eyeballin' it for the past month at the local bonsai nursery. For some reason I just loved the look of it but took me a month to finally decide to buy it. All I have done so far is root prune it a tad and get it into some better draining soil.
I have never had a honkoi cypress before so this is my first and I don;t want to do much to it till I know for sure what direction to go with it. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. From what I have read so far about the honkoi cypress, they do not back bud on old wood, and you should pinch rather than cut or else the cutt will turn brown?
From what I "think" I see so far.....the low branch (one I have my finger on) should probably be removed? And the top needs some thinning perhaps? Since this is only my 3rd year in bonsai, any advice is appreciated.