Shade cloth covering

I am going to put up something this spring over at least one of my tables. Mid to late summer sun is to much around here. I think the lattice fencing is a good idea. What % shade do you think you will get with the lattice shown above. It looks like 30-40% but I could be wrong.
Just pushing this thread to the top to see if any of the posters (or anyone else with experience) used slatted fencing or lattices instead of shade cloth over the summer, and how it went. “Dappled sun” is what I’m hoping to create for my maples here in Southern California. Will still leave full sun areas for tropical and Mediterranean trees.


I appreciate the idea, but I think you are safer to use a shade cloth, as it will provide full coverage shade even on still days.

With Lattice, or a "dappled sun" effect, you could still get leaf burn on still days, depending how big the holes are.

I wondered about that too sorce. What % shade cloth would you recommend?
My rationale is that as the sun arcs through the sky the light that is coming through the fence will hit different parts of the trees, which would perhaps alleviate not the intensity, but the exposure time to the full blast.

I totally cop to the fact that I could be mistaken about whether this would mitigate leaf burn.
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