Your issue appears to be not enough water. I'm in Long Island and although we are a few degrees cooler than you its been very hot and humid. I don't have any shade cloth and my trees are basically in full sun all day. I've only had a little leaf scorch on my hornbeems/beeches (and most of these are in dense soil from the bonsai shop and I haven't repotted). The JMs (all in bonsai soil) all are all loving life. I water first thing am and my son will hit them again in the early afternoon when the air temp is over 90 or even if lower and the sun is strong. I have found, however, that the JMs I have in the ground as landscape trees have experienced leaf scorch for the simple reason that I do not water them as I should and surely nowhere near the frequency of my bonsais.
The best advice is to water your trees when they need water - as frequent or infrequent as that may be. After that, I would say that if your trees are in bonsai soil its hot out, err on the side of caution and water. Neither wet nor dry is good for our trees, but wet may be a little more difficult to achieve under these conditions. I would assume that if I watered an extra time every day last week, my trees would basically be fine. If I didn't water for 4 days I'm fairly certain my entire garden would be dead.