Vance Wood
Lord Mugo
How long have you been growing bonsai trees? Maybe it's time you considered a teacher? There is that old proverb that states when the student is ready nature will provide a teacher. If your trees are not what you want them to be find out why and correct it. Your eye is good enough to understand what a good bonsai is supposed to be, and that your trees are not they. Try to see how to improve what you have then do it. Art does not come by itself most of the time. Only the desire you have now discovered comes in the night as an epiphinany that will drive you into making better trees. Better trees are not automatic. All of the stuff is the product of hard work, open eyes and an open mind un-afraid to fail. I precieve in you much of what I believe: If it ain't my work I don't want it. Having great bonsai is not why I do bonsai it is making great bonsai that drives me. If I had the opportunity to buy one of Kimura's masterpieces, and price was not an issue I would not buy it.I understand. I do get rid of trees fairly often.
I guess I just want one tree that is all my own work that I am 100 percent pleased with and proud of. I will keep working toward that goal.
If it is beautiful only to me - that is still the ultimate goal. A fat base with some good movement. I'm not asking for a lot. ?
I guess as my taste progresses I become even choosier about what makes it a good tree.
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