Sean’s Umes

Love these

I got two Josephine and two Hokkaido Bungo from Evergreen last year, these really do start to thicken quickly

BTW for US folks looking, looks like Brent has several kinds available
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Love these

I got two Josephine and two Hokkaido Bungo from Evergreen last year, these really do start to thicken quickly

BTW for US folks looking, looks like Brent has several kinds available

Already secured mine, I made sure not to leak the information until I ordered what I was after. 🤣
Exactly a week since cut back and partial defoliation of this cascade Ume. This one surprised me with how quickly it’s responded 😲

Should be able to get another 2 cut backs in this season and still get flowers next spring.

Anyone know what causes the yellow mottling visible on some of the leaves? Is it chlorosis?

Doesn’t really look like chlorosis to me, it’s a bit spotty… I’m no expert.


Keep and eye out for shothole blight and stay on top of applying fungicide - I’m not positive, but knowing how every one I’ve played with has gotten it, I’m looking at these and wondering if that might be what’s cooking. You may want to remove impacted leaves (or even fully defoliate) but good to get more opinions first.

It can creep down the branches and kill the tree, keep an eye out for discolored / splotchy marks on the green extensions and cut it off if you see it.

I don’t see any impacted branches at this time so maybe it’s just the leaves at this stage (if I’m right)

I had to fully defoliate mine that are in development this year, though, and the plant still blew up last year with great growth.


I’ll say, too, that after losing one to shothole the prior year, I went HARD on fungicide - and I still got it this year.

I kinda went into it like “yeah yeah yeah, I get it” thinking it wouldn’t be a problem if I stayed vigilant, but these appear to be truly next level susceptible. And I got varieties considered to be stronger against this threat.

If my current batch doesn’t make it it may be enough for me to give up on the species, but like I said I nipped it in the bud last spring and they did great from there on. I can’t imagine getting 20 years in on one just to lose it to an oopsie like that.
I snapped this branch twice while bending it. Nothing a little CallousMate couldn’t fix. Gotta love an Ume!

There is a couple tricks we learned bending older azalea whips…might work for umes …. to ensure the plants are watered recently before bending. to double wire to increase surface contact and to bend in stages.

Just some thoughts

DSD sends
There is a couple tricks we learned bending older azalea whips…might work for umes …. to ensure the plants are watered recently before bending. to double wire to increase surface contact and to bend in stages.

Just some thoughts

DSD sends
Thanks @Deep Sea Diver, I don’t make it a habit to break Ume branches, but if I do I’ve had great success so far with them surviving. Same applies to malus and flowering quince.

Have you seen these videos?

I’ll say, too, that after losing one to shothole the prior year, I went HARD on fungicide - and I still got it this year.

I kinda went into it like “yeah yeah yeah, I get it” thinking it wouldn’t be a problem if I stayed vigilant, but these appear to be truly next level susceptible. And I got varieties considered to be stronger against this threat.

If my current batch doesn’t make it it may be enough for me to give up on the species, but like I said I nipped it in the bud last spring and they did great from there on. I can’t imagine getting 20 years in on one just to lose it to an oopsie like that.
Thanks @badatusernames! I did some Googling and couldn’t quite find the same colouration of my leaves in the photos from the search, mainly photos of the actual holes in the leaves. I’ve been a bit slack with spraying this season so far and we’ve had a lot of rain I’ll be spraying later this afternoon 👍🏻
Thanks @Deep Sea Diver, I don’t make it a habit to break Ume branches, but if I do I’ve had great success so far with them surviving. Same applies to malus and flowering quince.

Have you seen these videos?

Megacool @SeanS !

Purposefully breaking Ume hardwood branches by bending exactly opposite the normal pattern to gain a Lingnan type bend vs the traditional clip and grow is new to me…. and very interesting tosomeone using clip and grow a lot.

I can see why one might not use this method to produce sharper bends than wire will do. Unless one would prefer otherwise.

It looks like taping the green stick fractures is advantageous, helping accelerate the design, fatten the trunk, allowing the leaves uphill to help produce energy too.

Thank you very much for sharing,

DSD sends
Nice! The leaves look ok, are they? If so, do you think it was the fungicide, or did it just ‘grow out of it’?
Exactly a week since cut back and partial defoliation of this cascade Ume. This one surprised me with how quickly it’s responded 😲

Should be able to get another 2 cut backs in this season and still get flowers next spring.

Anyone know what causes the yellow mottling visible on some of the leaves? Is it chlorosis?

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2 weeks later

After reading through the entire thread, this was my favorite as well!

Great job and I need the punch line for this one: 3 Ume walk into a bar… 🤣🤣🤣
Thread to document my prunus mume.

I never thought I’d find Ume in South Africa, but last June while on the road I pulled into a tiny nursery out in the countryside near my home. To my surprise I found a nearly leafless tree covered in small white flowers. I took some photos and posted a thread here on Bnut asking if what I had found was indeed an Ume. The next day I returned to the nursery and picked up my first Ume 😍

I cut it down to the first set of shoots at bud swell and planted it in one of my grow beds

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Mid growing season. I cut all of the initial shoots that grew from the trunk back and was rewarded with even more shoots! A few weeks later I wired them to set initial movement. The tiny green shoot (in the first photo) also bolted and was a clear candidate for a leader. It was bent sideways with a guy wire.

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End of season. The leaders are close to 2.5m tall and have thicker the trunk substantial! It’s still hanging onto the last few leaves and has a single flower at the moment, with all of the long shoots covered in flower buds ready to pop in the coming weeks. After flowering it will get cut back for next season. I’ll leave it in the grow bed for another season.

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2 season progress. All branching and upper trunk development in the grow bed. Next spring it’s going into a bonsai pot 🥰

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