Does anyone know what tree received the peoples choice?
I don't recall it ever being announced. But I know who I voted for.
Does anyone know what tree received the peoples choice?
I am getting a lot of comments regarding how I have styled my tree, that for some it
looks contrived, un-natural and even stiff... Although I appreciate the responses, I would
ask that those who have raised these views to do a google image search, of cascading
bonsai... Where one will find, that just about every other image has a similar or almost
exact branch structure, with curving / bent branches and placement.
The design I have chosen as well as how I have done the styling is in fact a very common
approach and a very natural occurrence. So, I am not sure how these views are correct.
This is not to try and be insulting, but to rather understand how I am incorrect. So, perhaps
further elaborating is needed. Thanks
For me, the tree was "undecided" whether it wants to be a semi-cascade or informal upright. I know you have to work with what you got but if it was to be a semi-cascade maybe (just maybe) you should have tilted it more to the left? Maybe reduce the top? I don't know, but those threw the image off for me.
For an informal upright, the almost vertical downward branch at the left threw the image off for me also. Maybe that portion could have been eliminated.
As everyone said, you did good (everyone did) with the time you have.
Does anyone know what tree received the peoples choice?
The competition was amazing... The guys were awesome! We all had a memorable time for sure. I can appreciate everyone's perspective except for the gent who thinks we could have done more with the time we had... that's not true. Most of us took almost no breaks other than biological. I thought that the time we had was obscene until I saw the material. I quickly found out it wasn't. I managed my time from the perspective of showing my talents and skill set in the working of the dead wood. Stacy did his (brilliantly) in wiring. Ryan did his in large branch movement. That, in my opinion, is why those three trees stand out as having a strong image. We three each concentrated on those talents which are most innate to us.
If we had had the time to patiently bring out those things which are not most innate to us, the end results would had been spectacular on those three trees especially.
I GOT the tree I wanted.... I don't regret that at all... I would have enjoyed seeing what I could do with the others, but I was seduced by the deadwood and rot that was obviously in that base. I damaged almost no live bark in the creation of that sculpture. I surely would have enjoyed having a muscly trunk... but I'm happy with what I got and what I did. I made my friends, family, and teacher proud... made some amazing new friends... and that's winning enough for me.
If someone said your tree was contrived... they are idiotic. I'd like to see them tackle what we did.
Always at your back,
Vic, I have to admit that when I evaluated the pictures presented here, I didn't focus on the deadwood of each tree, but the image as a whole. With that in mind, I'm sure if I had seen these trees in person, it would have been a different story. In fact, if I had only seen pictures of the deadwood, I'm sure I would have picked your tree out from the worked the deadwood like a pro. By the way, how much of the work was done with power tools...I assume a fair amount?
Hi Vic. Indeed I was the one that did. No worries I'll be sure to keep my idiotic comments to myself next time. It is only one man's opinion and that is all. Once again congrats to you all!