Time heals all carol. After having to put down my white German shepherd, Airy, 7 years ago I couldn't even think of getting another dog. Last fall the universe must have thought it was time and brought Hugo (my current German shepherd) into my life. That experience with Airy was the toughest and hardest thing I’ve ever had to do…. Day by day it will get better…and we always keep our memories and a special place in our hearts for loved ones passed. You never know, when the universe thinks the healing has been done it may bring another friend to you to open your home and heart too.Thank you for your kind words, I think we did give her the best life. She was the last kitten left of a litter of one of my son's friends. They were moving and were just going to leave her outside. Now, if I can just stop crying...
Simply from my heartToday we had to put down our beloved cat Miss Kitty. We took her to the emergency vet this morning. I noticed she hadn't been eating much this week but still came out to greet me when I came home for lunch and home from work. My son stopped by last night and when he picked her up, she cried and ran under the bed. She wouldn't come out, so we put a bowl of water there for her. When she was still there this morning, I knew something was really wrong. The vet said she had a really high fever and fluid in her chest. She wasn't sure if it was her heart or maybe cancer, but she was very weak and very sick. She said she could admit her and put her on oxygen and try to figure out what was wrong but she was in pain and probably wouldn't make it out of the hospital. Then she offered the option of euthanasia. After talking with our son, we decided that would be the best for her. We didn't want her to die in a cage with strangers, she was scared of everyone but us. And we didn't want her to suffer. So, it was REALLY hard, but at least we got to be with her for a little while before and we got to be the last people she saw and heard. Sorry to be such a bummer, but give all your pets an extra pet or hug tonight.View attachment 447410
Thank you, so sorry to hear about your dog.Sorry for your loss @Carol 83 We recently lost our 18-year-old dog and he died in a cage with strangers. Thankfully he was only there for 12 hours but I’m still regretting the decision. I think you did the right thing.
Thank you.You have my heartfelt sympathy, Carol --
Thank you, so sorry you had a similar experience.I am very sorry for your loss, @Carol 83 .
It has happened to me last year, very similar development. It is always a big pain in the chest.
Thank you, it was hard, but I think we did what was best for her.Sorry to hear Carol.
The worst days of my life are the ones that I had to say goodbye to one of my fur babies. You did the right thing for her to end her suffering, as hard as it is.
Thank you.Sorry for your loss Carol.
Thank you, sorry you also had to go through that.Been there twice. Had to make that difficult decision for both our Boston Terriers. Time heals all wounds. Sorry for your loss.
Thanks Dave.My condolences, Carol![]()