Post Your Bonsai Fall Color Tour Here

Here are two Shishigara maples that are under development, finally showing some fall color! Turned later than all my other maples this year.
Pictures taken before defoliation and after. Now it is possible to check the thread grafting progress after the growing season. Will prune and plan further grafting if necessary before bud break in the spring.


Awesome trees everyone! Great post, fun to see what everyone has.

Most of what I have collected during my first year.

A dawn redwood that I may or may not have massacred:


A 5$ boxwood that had cool roots:


My prized trees:


And the 10 austrian pines and 10 ponderosa pines I got for a dollar each on Saturday :)


On a side note... @Mapleminx, do red dragon JMs make good bonsai? I was under the impression that they could be difficult and hard to air layer.
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Always my favorite thread each year.
some advice for beginners, poorly draining soil ruins fall color, so does too much shade. It took me years to realize my fall color was lacking because my soil was too heavy. Attached is a pic of a maple that turned maroon-ish brown last fall before the leaves turned turd brown and melted while still on the tree. It was transplanted into a lava and bark mix and now has beautiful fall color despite a good sun scorching this summer. The tree was purchased in potting soil, not my fault.


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'White Cascade' is an evergreen azalea that features funnel-shaped white flowers with greenish-yellow blotches. Flowers bloom in clusters in mid-season to late-mid-season (May). This is a low-growing azalea that typically matures over time in a rounded but spreading form to 2-3' tall and to 4-6' wide.
Always my favorite thread each year.
some advice for beginners, poorly draining soil ruins fall color, so does too much shade. It took me years to realize my fall color was lacking because my soil was too heavy. Attached is a pic of a maple that turned maroon-ish brown last fall before the leaves turned turd brown and melted while still on the tree. It was transplanted into a lava and bark mix and now has beautiful fall color despite a good sun scorching this summer. The tree was purchased in potting soil, not my fault.
Arakawa mother tree for layers and cuttings

Orange Dream mother tree for layers and cuttings(11/8/20)

same tree(11/10/2020)

Orange Dream Air Layer


Nishiki Gawa
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