Pine collecting

If you have a year or two, I would get in there and hack some of them down to a foot or so; trample a few; bend some over and weigh them down with a rock; machete off one whole side; cut the roots to about 1 foot circumference.... in short give them hell. See what happens by the time they need to go.
Drive over some. Set some on fire....
I could try to 'injure' some but if they work hard this year there won't be anything left.

Here is the smallest (It looks brown in the picture but in real life it's looking fine):

Second is bigger with 2 trunks (if I could get that left trunk down to that low branch it would be a mad mame perhaps, or don't thought it is better):

And the 3th one with a broken top (also (2) very low branches / fat in bottem):

I also got 3 birches, here is one (that base!, omg!, it's also mud/sand but still.):CAM00110.jpg

Appreciate the looky!

What do you have these tree growing in?
What do you have these tree growing in?
Growing is a big word, they still have to survive ;) The one's in the ground have big root mass and are in soil / compost. The one in the basket i cleaned more roots and is in a baked clay 1/2, perlite 1/4, organic 1/4.
Some guys have all the luck! Do each tree a different way and document your results. Sounds like a lot of work but everyone on here will thank you, and then you can be the authority
you can be the authority

Authority and Arachnaphobia, it shouldn't work.

But, I guess it's the same as "president" Trump!


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White birch, good birch, nice. I keep my fingers crossed for the pines.
If I were you I'd dig anything and everything I could in the next 2 weeks. Even if it doesn't have bonsai potential you can get them healthy and sell them to buy more trees.;)

If I were you I'd dig anything and everything I could in the next 2 weeks. Even if it doesn't have bonsai potential you can get them healthy and sell them to buy more trees.Aaron
I have called a friend and he has a garden, so the next time i go collect i will be digging faster and searching/looking shorter and get as much in his garden (he only has slugs and weeds there at the moment). Slugs don't eat pines right?
If I were you I'd dig anything and everything I could in the next 2 weeks. Even if it doesn't have bonsai potential you can get them healthy and sell them to buy more trees.Aaron
I have called a friend and he has a garden, so the next time i go collect i will be digging faster and searching/looking shorter and get as much in his garden (he only has slugs and weeds there at the moment). Slugs don't eat pines right?
I have called a friend and he has a garden, so the next time i go collect i will be digging faster and searching/looking shorter and get as much in his garden (he only has slugs and weeds there at the moment). Slugs don't eat pines right?
I'm pretty sure slugs don't eat pines.

Slugs won't bother any conifers. Especially if you wire the with copper
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