Have I missed the collecting window??? (juniper/pine)

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Salt Lake City, UT, USA
I have just completed the highly frustrating process of obtaining a live tree collecting permit from my local BLM (that's "Bureau of Land Management" ;)) field office. I have been waiting weeks for archeologist clearance! Now they are ready to issue me a permit, but I am afraid I may have missed my window.

I am in southern Utah, in the high desert at >5,000ft elevation. Lately, high temperatures have averaged 60F-70F, low temperatures 40F-50F, and humidity 5%-15%. I have no greenhouse, but I am setting up a watering system this weekend that will include 2x or 3x/daily misting. Is it too late for me to collect Utah juniper and pinyon pine? I already collected one pinyon about a month ago (private property), as well as a cliffrose. They came out with only a few small roots and little to no native soil (sandy clay), but both are still green.

So what do you all think?
The Piñon is a goner (takes them a long time to lose color). You should still be OK to collect juniper, but your success rate will be much higher if there’s been good precipitation recently. Any other conifers whose buds are just starting to open are OK to collect.
I have just completed the highly frustrating process of obtaining a live tree collecting permit from my local BLM (that's "Bureau of Land Management" ;)) field office. I have been waiting weeks for archeologist clearance! Now they are ready to issue me a permit, but I am afraid I may have missed my window.

I am in southern Utah, in the high desert at >5,000ft elevation. Lately, high temperatures have averaged 60F-70F, low temperatures 40F-50F, and humidity 5%-15%. I have no greenhouse, but I am setting up a watering system this weekend that will include 2x or 3x/daily misting. Is it too late for me to collect Utah juniper and pinyon pine? I already collected one pinyon about a month ago (private property), as well as a cliffrose. They came out with only a few small roots and little to no native soil (sandy clay), but both are still green.

So what do you all think?
Hey, I live near Kanab in AZ. Do you remember what specific form you had to fill out? What was the process for getting this permit from BLM? I'm trying to get started on the process now since this year has been pretty wet and I think 2022 will be a good year for collecting.
Hey, I live near Kanab in AZ. Do you remember what specific form you had to fill out? What was the process for getting this permit from BLM? I'm trying to get started on the process now since this year has been pretty wet and I think 2022 will be a good year for collecting.

I suggest going to the ranger station in Fredonia and asking there. There are some awesome looking ponderosa on the way over the Kaibab. I tried going through the St. George field office, and they required archeology clearance, which took forever! Plus the staff in Fredonia has a lot of experience with permitting. Could be easy, although I have only ever gotten Christmas tree and firewood permits there, not live trees.
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