One For Smoke, Trident Chop

... ... it would be fine as long as you care for it properly.
Proper care. Comprises of?
I'm considering myself a long term beginner :) and I'd count the conditions (for the first time of recovery) like this :
  • Out of sun
  • In a sheltered place
  • Seal the wounds
  • Water carefully
What else do you have in mind regarding "proper care"?
Proper care. Comprises of?
I'm considering myself a long term beginner :) and I'd count the conditions (for the first time of recovery) like this :
  • Out of sun
  • In a sheltered place
  • Seal the wounds
  • Water carefully
What else do you have in mind regarding "proper care"?

Alexandra, those are great and proper care conditions on your list and is the state in which I am keeping it. I was just seeing if Don had something else. This one survived the first chop that I did here:
So it should pull through this time.

... ...I was just seeing if Don had something else... ...
Of course, I'm interested too.

Regarding the tree mentioned on the thread above you say that the air layering failed (twice I think). Do you have any idea of the reason why, may I ask?
Of course, I'm interested too.

Regarding the tree mentioned on the thread above you say that the air layering failed (twice I think). Do you have any idea of the reason why, may I ask?

Inexperience mostly. Hadn't done much with tridents back then and I had not airlayered anything that big, just mostly small limbs on Japanese maples and elms. I did not strip enough bark and scrape each time so the tree bridged the gap, all three times. If I had to do it over again, I would have just tried to work with the taper issue and not airlayered or chopped. Too late now, lol.
I've been keeping my chopped trees in the sun. It's been low to high 70s during the day and 40s at night and morning. Is shade better?
I don't know what is best, some say sun, others say shade. This is what I do with mine and I have not had any problems. I have an area that gets a couple of hours of morning sun and a few of late evening. I put them there until I see some growth and then put the in their regular spot.

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Well, sometimes you have to take the good with the bad. This one is on the ledge. Any suggestions @Smoke, @Don Blackmond, or anyone else? I have been treating weekly with daconil and it has not helped. The new growth comes out and truns black and withers away. Other maples had similar problems but the daconil helped. Anthracnose? Veticulium wilt?


Do you normally keep it sitting on the ground like that? Verticillium wilt is generally (supposedly) spread to trees by water splashing sand and mud infected with it off of the ground into the tree, especially to branches or trunks with wounds!

Well, sometimes you have to take the good with the bad. This one is on the ledge. Any suggestions @Smoke, @Don Blackmond, or anyone else? I have been treating weekly with daconil and it has not helped. The new growth comes out and truns black and withers away. Other maples had similar problems but the daconil helped. Anthracnose? Veticulium wilt?

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I pray for this one to pull through. Am nervous that it doesn't have any leaves at this time of the year. Hopefully it just staying dormant until next year. Be careful on the water as it doesn't transpire much without leaves.
When a trident (or really any tree) is pushing small leaves that almost immediately whither, I call it the death spiral... I've never had one recover. My guess would be root collapse. My only thought would be to apply hydrogen peroxide as a root drench ala @Osoyoung. His recommendation from from another thread was to get 3% hydrogen peroxide from the store and mix 1/4 cup per quart of water and use as a root drench. It's apparently an effective fungicide treatment and it gets oxygen to the roots.
I hate to be negative about the chances of it surviving so I have been reluctant to reply. I have had this happen to a few maples. Once they get that sort of elephant skin looking bark with fine broken lines; it's over (at least in the cases with mine). I really don't believe it's going to pull through John. Sorry..
Thanks, guys, still keeping my fingers crossed. The gray patch is not really as pronounced as it looks, I took these kinda late and used the software to lighten them. But still, it is kinda late for it to have no leaves.
But still, it is kinda late for it to have no leaves.

I have had Maples and Azaleas after a rather harsh chop not look like they were going to make as this one. I put them off to the side, treated the soil, and ignored them for the remainder of the year. A few actually woke up the following Spring :confused: Crystal was just as mystified as I was but a few years back at the old place but simply waiting saved some space at the land fill. Best I could figure is the ones that survived had healthy roots but perhaps not enough... Not certain honest :oops:

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