New Work/Display area

This weekend I decided to build another bench just for my little trees with scrap lumber I had laying around. This is a pretty bad cell phone pic, but you get the idea. I might do something different with the "shelf" to raise the height of the back trees. Right now it's just 2 pieces of 4x4 laying on top of the bench, but I like the idea of having 2 different levels. The trees are 2 crape myrtles, 2 mugo pines, 3 Chinese elms and an azalea. I might have to move the little azalea when it gets hotter, because this spot will get full afternoon sun.

I figured I would jump in on the fun and show my new area. It's not as nice as Judy's or Brian's but I think it'll work. For about $150 worth of lumber and screws (and a lot of sweat), I came up with this. I still have some work to do with the stone path around the benches and some more mulching but I'm pretty happy with the results so far. I'm also planning on moving those 2 euonymus somewhere else as I don't like them there now. It's hard to see the depth from this picture but there's more room in the back for expansion if I need to. The 2 benches on the right will stay pretty shaded but the ones on the left are in full sun. Now all it needs is some decent trees and I'll be all set.

I like that shelf surface on the deck too.....helps bring the whole package together. Nice work!
I like that shelf surface on the deck too.....helps bring the whole package together. Nice work!

Yeah I thought that was a great idea. But watering trees turned my deck into a green, slippery algae mess. I'm not even using it anymore because of that. I busted my ass one night and decided to discontinue. Beers might have contributed but I'm going with algae...
This weekends cappy weather forced me inside. So I used the time to set up an area in my garage for working on trees / drinking beer. I wonder if my wife would notice a dorm fridge tucked back under the work bench...
Oh, but honey, it's only so I don't have to cold stratify seeds in the food refrigerator...:D

I think that will work.

And as a bonus, I can pretty much guarantee that I'll be doing art after I've been cold stratifying for several hours on a Saturday afternoon.
A microwave oven is next.
And I like that wire rack right next to the chair and table...within easy reach.
You Americans have way too much space... this looks great but I could never achieve anything like it in the Uk. To afford that kinda large garden, I'd have to be a millionaire. I'm not joking at all...
This looks awesome man.I will be moving to my new place soon and really going to take time with building my grow area.
You Americans have way too much space... this looks great but I could never achieve anything like it in the Uk. To afford that kinda large garden, I'd have to be a millionaire. I'm not joking at all...

Space and opportunity are the reasons we moved over here in the first place right? Well that, religious persecution and the whole taxation without representation thing I guess.
I have this area in my landscape where I can't get anything to grow. My theory is that a big oak is sucking up all the water. Even the crab grass has trouble. So far a black pine is surviving there but not thriving - everything else has croaked. I decided to stop fighting it and put up a couple new stands. The holes were already dug so I just had to build em...

2018-09-30 16.55.07.jpg

And a shot of the whole area. The grass is still a work in process.

2018-09-30 16.56.51.jpg
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