My own winter silhouettes show in IE!!

Hi Jriddell88,
Thank you for your kind comment.
Love the blossom! And Great trees all around. :)

Did you lose any trees in the wind?
The twisting pom is wonderful, such a cool thing that nature gives these trees. I'm glad for you that your garden will be full of bloom for the New Year celebration! Thanks for sharing your trees with us.
The twisting pom is wonderful, such a cool thing that nature gives these trees. I'm glad for you that your garden will be full of bloom for the New Year celebration! Thanks for sharing your trees with us.
Thanks JudyB. We, Vietnamese people, consider we will have a full year of prosperity, happiness and health if we have lot of flowers in the 1st day of the year.
Where....or what.....the hell is IE?

Hi Sorce,
IE is Inland Empire belonged to Riverside County! It is the East of Orange County. It was separated with Orange County (OC) by Cleveland National Forest and it is why IE and OC has quite difference climate. IE weather is kind of desert's with hot day, cold night!
Thank you kindly...

It has been bugging me for so long!

Beautiful trees of course!

No problem Sorce. Thank you for your kind words!
p/s: So sorry to let you stress out so long! :)
Well, today is mồng một Tết (Vietnamese New Year 2016)! I wish you all the health, happiness and luck all year long!

To start a new year, this cork elm starts waking up at this time.
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This ficus has a 20 cm diameter trunk base with 40 cm height. It is in Yoshimura Shuuhou!
This twisted pomegranate is waking up, too.
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and this pom
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The cork elm was in this morning.
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The multiple trunk pomegranate was in this morning.
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