Redwood Ryan
I'm now looking at a product called AzaMax to kill the mites. It looks promising.
Sometimes where you live will influence the kind of development you get.That's crazy! I give mine all kinds of supplemental lighting and yet get very little or even no growth during the winter.
Glad I didn't have any supplemental lights on it, or I wouldn't have had a break from pruning all winter
Azamax is pretty expensive from what I remember. I used it once on some Canniba bonsai, didn't work too well for me. Although I've heard of people having success, literally a waste of money for me.Just use some ortho. How bad is the infestation?
How about the scale?
you know amazon sell like 4' 12 bulb t5ho grow light for like 130$-that would work well and cheap
If u haven't already treated your stuff try this, used it on everything from bougainvillea to pines.Half my trees are infested with mites, the other half have scale. Chris is right, it's time to go systemic and get serious about killing these b@$t@rds!
I agree that lighting is not the only issue in many cases. Liebigs law shows that growth is not Controlled by a plants total amount of resources, but the one it has the least of. So you can have the best set up ever with 1000.00 dollar lights but you could have the wrong soil components and all is lost. Its only when plants have the best of all resources do they thrive.I had to check because I couldn't remember if I had T8s or T5s, but turns out they're T8s. The plants grow a little bit, but nothing too crazy. I think the temperature and humidity is a bigger hindrance to growth than the lighting. I put some plants in my makeshift greenhouse, which is a just storage tote with plastic wrap over the top, and with the same lighting setup they're growing better than the plants just sitting out on my shelving.
My mindset is that I'm just overwintering them. If they grow enough to get cut back that's fine, but I'm just making sure they're surviving until they go out in spring. It's a different mindset than people trying to grow indoors year round. I'm already fighting the climate enough as it is.