Said lovingly of course. The Acer in the background (a Takinogawa that had a hard time this year and that I'm surprised made it because it arrived literally during our legendary ice storm, and has since put up with record breaking wind storms, hail, heat, and hardly any humidity when we're usually always in the 60%+) is going through the teen uglies at the moment and I'm trying to figure out what to do with it. The smaller quince is due for a repot in spring, while the larger one I'm going to wire up on the weekend, I love it's natural movement and got that one on a whim online.
I have a wisteria but it's going through the autumn ugly as I like to call it. They don't... shed their leaves well... especially not here in texas... it looks mangy.
But! Would anyone have any ideas for the Maple or should I let it grow a bit more and let it's natural growth path kind of talk to me?