Name The Current Top 3 American Potters

Lynn August is one I like. Serviceable, she makes larger pots too, up to 18 or so inches in diameter. Most of the time pots are burnished, not glazed, makes them more useful, too many potters use bright glazes meaning the pots are not appropriate for pines. Lynn's pots can be used with pines.


@Leo in N E Illinois, I haven’t had the chance to buy from her yet but I will. She is right up the road and I have wanted one for awhile. I emailed her the other day and she said she was hoping to get back in the studio soon, she would send emails out when she had something. This time I plan to get one, I started to work on my pot collection from artist locally and I will get some from others as well.
My American Potters stack except one New Erin (which I like as well) …. rest are Sam Miller & Michael Brugh he had some neat ones I liked last year. I have a small Barry Murphee mokko pot used as accent.
This is on the way from Nao… will be getting more from him and Sam hopefully soon. Along w a few other American potters thrown in mix in December for future uses top secret.
Can’t wait to use em some day w da trees


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I would add Vicki Chamberlin to the list of potters to consider. I like her glazes as they are attractive but not overbearing. Her pots accent the tree but don’t domineer them. She does all sizes including large ovals. I’d love to have one of her pots but lately they’ve all been spoken for.
Just heard on the grapevine that she is likely retiring from bonsai pottery - seems her husband has health issues so they are moving to the coast, and she won’t be setting up a new studio. :/
Just heard on the grapevine that she is likely retiring from bonsai pottery - seems her husband has health issues so they are moving to the coast, and she won’t be setting up a new studio. :/
I'll need to place a custom order asap.
Anyone know if sonny Boggs has a site or something, I bought one from him at the winter silhouette and love his pots. I could use some more though, oh how addictive this has become
Shawn Bokeno has done some amazing work, and I have several of his pots.

I only hope that I have (along with encouragement others) convinced him to scale up to some larger forms! His glazes are mesmerizing. Construction of his rectangles and ovals are superb.
Anyone know if sonny Boggs has a site or something, I bought one from him at the winter silhouette and love his pots. I could use some more though, oh how addictive this has become

You know, Google can help, Richard "Sonny" Boggs does not maintain a website other than facebook. He does sell pots through most of the major USA artist websites. Check Mirai, Bjorn Bjornholm, , there is a Sonny Boggs pot on Superfly right now.

@Leo in N E Illinois thanks, I tried google but all I found was Facebook. I don’t have Facebook, but I did get in touch with him.

I don't understand, you don't have to "have Facebook" to view facebook pages, most browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Windows, and the rest will open facebook pages without downloading the facebook app into your device. You can read facebook pages with your browser to get email addresses and phone numbers quite easily. My personal phone number is available on my Facebook page.
I don't understand, you don't have to "have Facebook" to view facebook pages, most browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Windows, and the rest will open facebook pages without downloading the facebook app into your device. You can read facebook pages with your browser to get email addresses and phone numbers quite easily. My personal phone number is available on my Facebook page.
Didn’t know that, thank you that will help in the future
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