This is why my club no longer brings in "pros".third said I should quit because its clear to him im wasting material that could be gold in the right hands
Apparently a few years back my club had a "master" come to do a club workshop, some people were beginners and only had box store material as that was where there comfort zone with working on trees was at.
Unfortunately, this master straight up told half the workshop that their material was crap and that he wasn't even going to waste his time. He went on to try and help the more experienced members at which point he was basically told to fuck off and that his comment was very rude. He left and has not been contacted by the club since.
You started about 5 years ago, same as me. I do understand what the master meant but nevertheless it was uncalled for. It took me about 3 years before I became comfortable enough to spend a couple hundred dollars on a tree. My skills have progressed, and so must my collection now.
You have some nice stuff, don't ever be put down by others. You are ready though to move up in material quality!
And as a side note. Any "master" that puts down a beginner let alone a group of them, that they are a waste of time, should be beaten with one of their first trees and sent back to do more training!