My 'Ben Oki' azalea

When it was repotted in '08, the soil I used was 100% Kanuma. I haven't repotted it since, but will this spring, also using 100% Kanuma. Prior to that, I used pine bark, lava, and Turface, 2:1:1. I still use that mix for trees in training cans/pots.
Prior to that, I used pine bark, lava, and Turface, 2:1:1. I still use that mix for trees in training cans/pots.

Brian, on azalea being trained, you think it is okay to add maybe 5% chopped sphagnum moss in lieu of some of the pine bark from this mix? (considering I am in a more arid area)

Basically the revised mix will be; pine bark, moss, lava, and Turface, 9:1:5:5.

This one is nearly a month behind where it was for the last 2 years. Last year at this time, I was removing all the spent blooms. Today, the first couple are just starting to appear!

it was unusually cold, and it was repotted this spring for the first time in 5 years. Probably could have gotten a couple more years out of it...


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That's a very nice tree, Brian. I trust you'll post more pictures when it is in flower?
Spring '14 update...

More, better photos in the next couple days. Everything is really late this year. 2 years ago, this was done blooming in mid-March. This year, it's mid-April and only about halfway there.

For the azalea fans, I have a decent post going up on Saturday...


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I look forward to seeing this one every year, it never disappoints!
Just about there...


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I just read this whole thread, excellent post for someone like me whom is still somewhat new to be able to see the progression.

And what an absolute beauty it turned into. Gorgeous tree!
Thank you for posting the progression... its a wonderful tree with great style.
After aerating and top dressing with Kanuma:

The nebari spread:

Brian-- what is all that stuff on the surface of the soil??
The yellow stuff is Kanuma...the squares are some sort of fertilizer cake, I think...and then, there are the roots...:).

Wow it's so bright in color... I'm not familiar with Kanuma but didn't expect it to look like this.

I'm still trying to understand what soil comp I should be using for various trees here in colorado given my climate. I've got to get to know some local bonsai keepers for this I'm sure...

Well, Brian-- it's an amazing tree. Thank you for sharing it with us all. I'm trying to find a good supplier of satsuki and so far not much luck! BTW where do you get this Kanuma?
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