Multi-trunk black pine

I am going to weigh in too. The virtual Walter did for you shows a tremendous opportunity for you to advance your tree from club level bonsai work to a tree of great prominence. Of course, the foliage would be reworked and the pads flattened somewhat. Notice also how much farther away the tree seems to be from the viewer without the low branches.

Great tree. Good luck!
I am going to weigh in too. The virtual Walter did for you shows a tremendous opportunity for you to advance your tree from club level bonsai work to a tree of great prominence. Of course, the foliage would be reworked and the pads flattened somewhat. Notice also how much farther away the tree seems to be from the viewer without the low branches.

Great tree. Good luck!

Hey Chris, Thanks its all coming to me now;) its been a dream and I am finally wakening up! I knew this tree had to have something done to it or I would not of posted it. Walter has helped me in the past and continues to do so. Like said I should of put ornaments on it this year.;) Everyone has been a great help! Didn't want to hijack this thread but hey what can I say. Walters virtual shows great age and this is bonsai right? Now I have got to get the work done and then the next problem is to find the right pot. Another of my weaknesses.

Vance and Will,
I will definitely look for some burnt bonsaists and follow the trail :p

Now when I start work on some Juniper pfitzeriana's I have I will post and see what you guys come up with. Should be very interesting?

A Friend in bonsai
Hi All! Found this forum by accident.....can't believe 3 pages (admittedly from years ago!) about the Pine in the images. It was instantly obvious that it is not a Pine..let alone a Black Pine. Anyway's a Plum...see attached image.


  • plum.png
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It was instantly obvious that it is not a Pine..let alone a Black Pine. Anyway's a Plum...see attached image.
If I may present my theory, I think the first image was just after it had been defoliated and before the new pine trunks and foliage had been grafted to it. It was this kind of cavalier, mad scientist approach to bonsai that got most of those previous commenters banned.
Or . . . the link changed.

Who can come up with a better theory?!?
If I may present my theory, I think the first image was just after it had been defoliated and before the new pine trunks and foliage had been grafted to it. It was this kind of cavalier, mad scientist approach to bonsai that got most of those previous commenters banned.
View attachment 191102
Or . . . the link changed.

Who can come up with a better theory?!?
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