John Hill
LOL John....could you do it with Will's virt now?
Ok Tachigi don't laugh. Do you think this is feasible in five years or so? Using Wills virt.
It only took me 3/4 of a bottle
A Friend in bonsai
LOL John....could you do it with Will's virt now?
Do you think this is feasible in five years or so? Using Wills virt.
I have one problem with this tree and nobody mentioned it so for a while I thought it was just me. Does this tree ,from the original pictures, look like it has reverse taper on the center trunk? Maybe its just my poor ole eyes.
Easier in the sense that you can create in a few minutes what may take years to accomplish on an actual tree, however, a knowledge of horticultural possibilities, as well as an eye for design is not only what makes a virt good (meaning doable) but also what makes a bonsai good. But it is more difficult than it looks, there are many who can not do a basic virtual.Virts are so much easier than real trees, aren't they?
Virts are so much easier than real trees, aren't they?
Nice virt, pass the bottle!
Adobe allows one to do almost anything. for those who don't have adobe, there are free programs that allows a three-dimensioanl view on-line. But don't get me started on three-dimensional bonsaiI just wish that one could rotate the trees. Working on just two planes does make it tough but it does give me an idea where I want to go since I can't draw worth a crap.
Which show, the All State Show?I just may make it up to the Michigan show this year. If I do I will pass that bottle with you for sure
I believe it is the All State Show. I will have to check to make sure. A buddy of mine goes up every year and asked if I wanted to go up with him and I said I would if I can get away. I will let you know.Which show, the All State Show?
John.... I'll lend you my sharpener
Ok while we are talking about virts and I really don't want to get off track from the tree mentioned but I just wanted to show you a tree I have been struggling with since 2001 and have almost gotten it to become a good bonsai.
I have gotten it to this point but it has become a bit boring now. I know it needs thinned out again. Do you all think that the foliage is to much? Is it starting to look like a Christmas tree?
I posted this tree on KoB along time back to get some suggestions on where to take this tree now and good ole Walter Pall did a fantastic virt for me.
I think that it definitely shows great age BUT my question is THIS,,"if this was your tree would you go for it"?
It is a hard thing to do when you work on a tree for so long and get it to a point thatyou are satisfied with it and you get accustomed to it but you know deep down that something needs to be done.
I still can't bring myself to go for it.
This is another part of bonsai that I need to learn and I am probably not the only one.
So what do you guys think??
A Friend in bonsai
Most of the time I find the Formal Upright the most boring of all the standardized forms in bonsai, mostly because it is usually done so badly. Your photo on the left is boring, your virtual on the right is a magnificent solution that could be done in a few hours if not minutes. That three is a killer.
Yes Vance I will tend to agree with you on the informal upright. I worked on this tree to get it there then like you said it is boring me and starting to look like a Christmas tree. I should of put some ornaments on it this year
This is,, like I have mentioned earlier one of the toughest things in bonsai I need to learn, to restyle a tree after getting it to a certain point. Its like once I get it there (in my eyes) I just set it on the bench and move on to the next. I know one has to re evaluate their trees every now and then and do something about it. I know that the virt on this tree is very pleasing and eye catching. But why do I procrastinate. Can someone tell me?? So maybe the next time you see it, it will be done.
Oh I thought patience was the hardest thing to learn but I do believe I have learned patience very well because it seems I am not in any hurry to tackle this tree.
A Friend in bonsai
John: There is a difference between patience and procrastination. If you do this tree as you have in the virtual you will have a top rated, dare I say it, world class bonsai. Bring it with you to the All State Show and lets talk about it. If this tree were mine I would do this in a heart beat. You could turn around and sell it for a bundle if you so desired.
Thanks Vance and Behr,
You are right I have been a procrastinator but I go through this every now and then. I know that this tree is in need of a change for sure. That is why I have posted it a few times to talk myself into it
This is one of my new year promises and I will get er done and post my results. I have been slowly working on this tree to get it ready for a change as per say.
Vance if I make it up I may just bring this tree along with me. I look forward to meeting you and Will both.
A Friend in bonsai
We are easily recognized. Both of us have two-heads breath fire and eat human flesh. In case someone takes offence that was a joke, good bad or indifferent. I know I look forward to meeting you as well. If you can come please bring this tree I would really like to see it.