Misery loves company - the winter hall of shame

They say red cedars are hard to keep alive. My red cedars came through winter fine, but my common juniper is slowly dying. Got at nursery last spring. Thought maybe the nursery mix soil was too wet for it, so put it in a faster draining bonsai mix. Probably too late. It's still waning.
Got a small, bare root canyon live oak last spring. Did O.K. thru the summer but now only has one living branch left.
Going to freeze overnight tonight. Moved several plants to the back patio in preparation for moving them into the garage overnight. Went to let the dogs back inside & saw Caesar had nocked over 3 & pulled my dawn redwood out of its 1-gallon grow bags. Winter took a toll, but Caesar was harder on my trees this year.
Same issue here. Got a new dog for the family for Easter, and so far he's ripped 4 trees out of there pots. One was already dead, so small change, but the other 3 included my newly collected piñon pine and scrub oak, and a Norway spruce I had some plans for. Potted them back up, but I'm not holding my breath.
Despite having winter protection, I did end up losing one tree. It went into winter weaker for unknown reasons so im sure that didn’t help. It’s not a species I’m too familiar with (Laurel Oak) but the leaves ended up drying out and falling mid winter despite being watered. Fortunately it’s a “fringe” tree and not one of the core trees in the collection.
3 of my boxwoods died, but they were inside at the time, so I can't blame the weather. Fortunately, I had already decided I don't really like boxwoods very much, so I guess we just came to a mutual understanding. I still have one little nursery boxwood and some cuttings, but no plans for them.
Most of my trees are just starting to wake up. I am at almost 700ft above sea level so its a bit slower up here. A couple of my oak trees don't look too good, my JM is just starting to open up. I did repot myJM cause it hadn't been repotted for 4 years. No great loss on the oaks because they came out of my yard and I have 3 more that I left in the ground. My pines and cedars are looking pretty good. They are all native so I didn't do anything special over the winter to my potted plants and they are all showing new growth.
The dog seems about as skilled as I am at bonsai.

Was a fairly mild winter here. Had a gooseberry die on me, but not sure what happened. I lost a trident from Brussel's through my own stupidity (don't ship trees from them in winter to NY!!!!). A crepe myrtle I thought didn't make it is finally waking up but seems weak. And an animal decided to relocate a little maple out of its pot to elsewhere in the yard. Otherwise just waiting for the stragglers to see if there any more casualties, mainly the hornbeams. Although one little Korean hornbeam is very excited and was one of my first to leaf out.

Lots of different different trees, colors and flowers. Even the mother in law couldn't resist but compliment the garden.
Most of my trees are just starting to wake up. I am at almost 700ft above sea level so it’s a bit slower up here. A couple of my oak trees don't look too good, my JM is just starting to open up. I did repot myJM cause it hadn't been repotted for 4 years. No great loss on the oaks because they came out of my yard and I have 3 more that I left in the ground. My pines and cedars are looking pretty good. They are all native so I didn't do anything special over the winter to my potted plants and they are all showing new growth.
I know you said they’re all native so I assume they aren’t true cedars? I’m curious because my cedrus really suffered this winter. Other than one of them I don’t know why.
Man..I lost so many trees this year, maybe nearly $10K worth and this is what what I paid for them not my estimate of how much they're worth. All my firethorn and silverberry died for some reason. This was the 3rd warmest winter on record here in DC area but we have a few very cold days around Christmas.
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