Misery loves company - the winter hall of shame

I have talked to several people in the nursery and landscape business about loses this winter. The general consensus is that the extreme cold in December is what did the damage. I know this comes as no surprise to most. I feel for all of you that I loses. I was pretty lucky, but there are a few issues manifest here and there. About 2-3 more weeks will tell the story.
Man..I lost so many trees this year, maybe nearly $10K worth and this is what what I paid for them not my estimate of how much they're worth. All my firethorn and silverberry died for some reason. This was the 3rd warmest winter on record here in DC area but we have a few very cold days around Christmas.
Sorry to hear that man.
PS: Get a bald cypress, they are tougher :D
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Man..I lost so many trees this year, maybe nearly $10K worth and this is what what I paid for them not my estimate of how much they're worth. All my firethorn and silverberry died for some reason. This was the 3rd warmest winter on record here in DC area but we have a few very cold days around Christmas.
Yep, my firethorn is not looking so promising right now but I have my fingers crossed. The only up side is that I took a cutting from it that seems to have rooted. Seems like we have a couple of 40+ nights coming up. I swear I am going to switch to enclosed terrariums. Seal it, done. No muss no fuss.
I swear I am going to switch to enclosed terrariums. Seal it, done. No muss no fuss.
I've actually been getting allot of videos on terrariums popping up on my YouTube feed recently.
On the lookout for appropriate jars at thrift stores.
I've actually been getting allot of videos on terrariums popping up on my YouTube feed recently.
On the lookout for appropriate jars at thrift stores.
Yo! Ive been interested in terrariums since even before bonsai rooted its way into my life. Very similar horticultural niches I think; intricate, detailed art with living plants as a medium, challenging to do right + well, and everytime we visit the store, our eyes are scanning for makeshift "containers" 🤣

I only have one as of now. Frankly the technique is beyond me and it doesn't help that nobody really cares to write books or have forums for it. Youtube fellas like Serpa are all I've got.
Yo! Ive been interested in terrariums since even before bonsai rooted its way into my life. Very similar horticultural niches I think; intricate, detailed art with living plants as a medium, challenging to do right + well, and everytime we visit the store, our eyes are scanning for makeshift "containers" 🤣

I only have one as of now. Frankly the technique is beyond me and it doesn't help that nobody really cares to write books or have forums for it. Youtube fellas like Serpa are all I've got.
Yup, that's the guy.
There was another one I found that's right up my alley, but I don't recall the name. European accent, dumb cracks about everything, plant starts flowering, he says, "that's right. These plants are getting more action than you."🤣 His work is unimpressive to say the least, but he's great fun to watch.
I've actually been getting allot of videos on terrariums popping up on my YouTube feed recently.
On the lookout for appropriate jars at thrift stores.
Costco spaghetti sauce or olive jars.....now what to do with those pesky olives?????? My lady is on the terrarium kick right now so she has been using ficus and brt cuttings from my bonsai.....not to mention all of the moss. Looks like the poor guys have been scalped.
Costco spaghetti sauce or olive jars.....now what to do with those pesky olives?????? My lady is on the terrarium kick right now so she has been using ficus and brt cuttings from my bonsai.....not to mention all of the moss. Looks like the poor guys have been scalped.
The kids like pickles of course, and sun tea in the summer, so I get the big gallon sized jars for that a couple times a year.

It just takes them a while to empty a jar.
Costco spaghetti sauce or olive jars.....now what to do with those pesky olives?????? My lady is on the terrarium kick right now so she has been using ficus and brt cuttings from my bonsai.....not to mention all of the moss. Looks like the poor guys have been scalped.
Welcome to Franken-sai Island. Population..... all my moss.
Aw man. Now I'm thinking of making a terrarium bonsai garden penjing to put my smallest tropicals in over the winter. Miniature benches and garden statues and all, in a 10 or 15 gallon aquarium. The cogs are spinning. Sorry for skewing this ever more into off topic territories, I promise I'm done
Aw man. Now I'm thinking of making a terrarium bonsai garden penjing to put my smallest tropicals in over the winter. Miniature benches and garden statues and all, in a 10 or 15 gallon aquarium. The cogs are spinning. Sorry for skewing this ever more into off topic territories, I promise I'm done
Screenshot_20230427_183043_Samsung Internet.jpg
We are all too late. The ads found us.
Proof that the machines are spying on us.

Roll it over to The Tea House and we'll have a day with terrariums if you like.
I know you said they’re all native so I assume they aren’t true cedars? I’m curious because my cedrus really suffered this winter. Other than one of them I don’t know why.
This is a Western red cedar. Been in the same pot for 2 years now and always left outside. Before I dug it up it was in the ground for about 2 years. Seems to be doing just fine.
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I had a nice one that died last winter, all I got left now is the new trees coming up from the base, trying to figure out a design that would “Wow” you guys with what I have left 😂.
Nice base all around. Push all branches down lower than your chop. You will get a dominant bud at the chop that will grow very very fast & straight up. Carve the chop next spring and you should be in good shape.
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Nice base all around. Push all branches down lower than your chop. You will get a dominant bud at the chop that will grow very very fast & straight up. Carve the chop next spring and you should be in good shape.
Im thinking about carving the dead wood in the middle pretty soon when I find some time, its been dead for a year now lol.
I unearthed my outdoor trees on the 27th, set up my benches. I for sure lost a tiny pinyon, maybe a ninebark. My larger pinyon looks good, as do ponderosas, cotoneasters, aspens, willows, and my gooseberry-type. Too early to tell on some others, but I'm not worried. It's nice the see the little guys again.
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