At home (Tucson) I have everything on a battery controlled gravity feed tank, with the supplied drippers, 1 or 2 depending on the size of the plant. When I am away it is kept full by a battery controlled timer on the house water thru a charcoal filter. At the cabin everything is on the well with a battery controlled timer thru a charcoal filter, with 1/8" open end tubing. In summer we get regular rains also so I try to have well! draining soil in grow boxes with 1/4 screen bottoms. For the Manzanita I have collected in the top soil that have come out like a brownie from a pan I have started something new (to me). With easy access, I box right at the collection site in a box a bit larger than the block of soil. When I get them back to the cabin I wash a good bit of the soil on the outside edges down and out right in the box. This gives me a start at removing some the relatively heavy native soil without further disturbance to the roots. Then I fill the space with my pumas other stuff mix. Of course this all hinges on the fact that I can drive nearly right to the patch I have been collecting from and I build my own boxes. A note on my boxes, I use cedar fence boards, nearly clear and relatively cheep. For up at the cabin, I make up sides and ends of different lengths and bottom slats to match. drill all the pilot holes and install the inside corner reinforcing cleats. When I need a new box I mix and match to get the size I need and zip it together.