How does watering work with mame trees? I'd imagine that they would dry out at a stupid fast rate.
As addition to this you could also place spaghmum moss on the small pot that helps a bunch tooYou can set the pots in larger pots and let the roots escape through the drainage holes. It works well to get the trees through summer. I'm sure this technique has been around forever but I learned of it through @jeremy_norbury.
Nice tree's you got, you are setting the bar high !
Also thnx allot for adding the extra progression pics it realy shows why mame trees are such fun with such small material where the comment would be grow a thick trunk first with these little tree's building of primary branching starts rather quick and shows fast results with normaly uninteresting small cheap stock
I have to post new photos, too. Are we going to post them in this thread?@pweifan Heres the discussion thread to talk about the contest also if you have time anytime soon i reccomend to add another pic of your mame tree were the pot is measured.
Your not using straw as an insulator for cold are you? I've been reading it can actually draw critters to bed and munch.Tucked into my unheated crawl space for a stretch of low twenty degree temps for a few day only to be attacked my a mouse I suspect. Little bastards started a war! LOL
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That's a shame,mot not know what drew the critters in. I recall Mike F. Lost his whole entire collection one winter to voles. Even a nice tree Will/Grouper gave him. Glad you caught it early...toss some traps and poison down around the trees I reckon.