Mail Mishaps

My neighbor AGAIN received my Wigert's order via FEDEX:mad: Luckily, I got an e-mail that it had been delivered and sent my husband over to retrieve it. They set in front of a door he never uses and who knows how long it would have been before he noticed it. This happened with a Camellia in January one year and luckily it survived. UPS and Amazon have no problem finding my house but FEDEX has apparently never heard of Google Earth!!
My neighbor AGAIN received my Wigert's order via FEDEX:mad: Luckily, I got an e-mail that it had been delivered and sent my husband over to retrieve it. They set in front of a door he never uses and who knows how long it would have been before he noticed it. This happened with a Camellia in January one year and luckily it survived. UPS and Amazon have no problem finding my house but FEDEX has apparently never heard of Google Earth!!
Fedex drivers are all independent contractors. Draw your own conclusion.
Wow 2 years is ridiculous.
It was a fun surprise to receive them after all that time. They actually came from @Clicio. It was during the Covid and I just figured one or the other of our post offices just threw them away. It was just nice of him to send them, so I wasn't upset when they didn't show up, no fault of his.
Ha! Must have missed this thread the first go around.

In 2021 @Carol 83 herself sent a Barbados cherry for one of my students at work. I gave the site address, and we tracked the shipping and everything, but it never arrived even though USPS said said it was delivered.
I went looking through half the other people sharing the same building, nothing. Building security, nothing. Every post office in the city, nothing.
It just vanished.

But I had promised the kid a tree, so I went to Lowe's to grab something because it was the last day of the school year. All they had for trees that'd make it in his apartment we're fiddle leaf figs. 😐
Last year I was finally able to get him some Barbados cherry cuttings.
So the seeds that took two years to get to me have taken another journey. @Pixar asked it I could send him a few, so they have now traveled from Brazil to IL to New Zealand! And I now have some native New Zealand seeds for a fun winter project. No wonder I love this place!
Went to the USPS the other day to find out why the package I sent out in October was, according to the tracking number, still sitting in my local post office.

Me: "Tracking number say's it still here."
USPS Worker: "That's not a tracking number."
Me: "The 20 digit number after the words tracking number isn't the tracking number?"
USPS Worker: "No. That's not a tracking number."
Me: "What's the purpose of this number then?"
USPS Worker: "Did you pay for insurance, or delivery conformation?"
Me: "No. I thought in order to deliver a package you'd know what a tracking number does."

After another minute of that's not a tracking number is when I walked away, figured I was out $150 bucks, but wanted to look up what I could do after the "That's not a tracking number" exchange. Then low and behold my non-tracking number started moving, and the package was delivered, & I got my refund. Unbelievable USPS. I call shame on you!
Went to the USPS the other day to find out why the package I sent out in October was, according to the tracking number, still sitting in my local post office.

Me: "Tracking number say's it still here."
USPS Worker: "That's not a tracking number."
Me: "The 20 digit number after the words tracking number isn't the tracking number?"
USPS Worker: "No. That's not a tracking number."
Me: "What's the purpose of this number then?"
USPS Worker: "Did you pay for insurance, or delivery conformation?"
Me: "No. I thought in order to deliver a package you'd know what a tracking number does."

After another minute of that's not a tracking number is when I walked away, figured I was out $150 bucks, but wanted to look up what I could do after the "That's not a tracking number" exchange. Then low and behold my non-tracking number started moving, and the package was delivered, & I got my refund. Unbelievable USPS. I call shame on you!
And once again I'm looking for the facepalm reaction.
Guess this'll have to do.
Big 18" nanban from Ron Lang's last kiln load. UPS guy handed the box to me and I heard the pieces clanking around inside. He turned around quickly and almost sprinted back to his truck...Which was probably a good idea, since if he stayed, it might have gotten ugly... 😁


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Went to the USPS the other day to find out why the package I sent out in October was, according to the tracking number, still sitting in my local post office.

Me: "Tracking number say's it still here."
USPS Worker: "That's not a tracking number."
Me: "The 20 digit number after the words tracking number isn't the tracking number?"
USPS Worker: "No. That's not a tracking number."
Me: "What's the purpose of this number then?"
USPS Worker: "Did you pay for insurance, or delivery conformation?"
Me: "No. I thought in order to deliver a package you'd know what a tracking number does."

After another minute of that's not a tracking number is when I walked away, figured I was out $150 bucks, but wanted to look up what I could do after the "That's not a tracking number" exchange. Then low and behold my non-tracking number started moving, and the package was delivered, & I got my refund. Unbelievable USPS. I call shame on you!
I use insured shipments to play the system and I don't care what people think of it.
If they want to stuff it in the hedges without a notice or even ringing the doorbell, and mark it as delivered with a fake autograph.. I'm getting the refund.

Thus far, the extra pay for insured shipping has been quite profitable. Got a radio, some jeans, a couple shirts and a few plants for 14 euros each. 🤷‍♂️
I use insured shipments to play the system and I don't care what people think of it.
If they want to stuff it in the hedges without a notice or even ringing the doorbell, and mark it as delivered with a fake autograph.. I'm getting the refund.

Thus far, the extra pay for insured shipping has been quite profitable. Got a radio, some jeans, a couple shirts and a few plants for 14 euros each. 🤷‍♂️
I might have to try this. Could help pay for Christmas.
I live about 300 meters from a practical school where they teach kids how to be upstanding citizens OR enter the military - feel free to think about what kind of kids would need to be taught that. So after a couple things went missing, I started reporting everything I didn't sign for as missing.
Our delivery services don't take pictures of the stuff they leave at the door, and they're obligated to have a human verification when delivering insured packages.
BUT I did have to read the fine print! The fine print is very specific about live plants and ceramics. So I'm skipping those refunds in the future.

If you want, I can sell you some art worth a couple grand, and ship it insured, in a torn up box.. A box that'll be empty from the start. Pay upon delivery or make use of the patented Wires_Guy_Wires payment system of 10.000 payments of just 5 dollars with zero interest.
Should get you a decent profit.
Tried to send some cuttings to @Pixar about 5 weeks ago. They got to New Zealand on November 9th, but still sit in customs. ED514C7D-E919-4718-8FA9-CBDD46E86C7C.jpeg🧐
Big 18" nanban from Ron Lang's last kiln load. UPS guy handed the box to me and I heard the pieces clanking around inside. He turned around quickly and almost sprinted back to his truck...Which was probably a good idea, since if he stayed, it might have gotten ugly... 😁
Did you repair the broken pot?
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