Marine Bonsologist
So registrations have opened for MABS 2025 April 11-13 in Grantville PA
Anyone local or know the area that knows of a good place to eat dinner that isn't a pizzeria or a sports bar?
Also reviving the idea for a BNUT get together for breakfast on Saturday or Sunday Morning at the Hotel breakfast area
Putting a poll here to see when the most of us attending could meet up.
I figure a breakfast meet up would be easiest
You can select both times if you will be there both days but I will pick the best time and try to get space in the back breakfast room at MABS if possible.
Anyone local or know the area that knows of a good place to eat dinner that isn't a pizzeria or a sports bar?
Also reviving the idea for a BNUT get together for breakfast on Saturday or Sunday Morning at the Hotel breakfast area
Putting a poll here to see when the most of us attending could meet up.
I figure a breakfast meet up would be easiest
You can select both times if you will be there both days but I will pick the best time and try to get space in the back breakfast room at MABS if possible.