MABS 2025 - Grantville PA

When could you attend a BNUT breakfast Meetup at MABS 2025?

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Marine Bonsologist
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Long Island, NY
So registrations have opened for MABS 2025 April 11-13 in Grantville PA

Anyone local or know the area that knows of a good place to eat dinner that isn't a pizzeria or a sports bar?

Also reviving the idea for a BNUT get together for breakfast on Saturday or Sunday Morning at the Hotel breakfast area

Putting a poll here to see when the most of us attending could meet up.
I figure a breakfast meet up would be easiest
You can select both times if you will be there both days but I will pick the best time and try to get space in the back breakfast room at MABS if possible.
Id like to attend at least one day this year. Would be fun to meet some of you.
I enjoyed the show very much last year but had to leave rather abruptly on Saturday. I tried to get in as a vendor this year but was told all the spaces were taken. :(
If I make it this year it will therefore only be for a quick visit.
Passover begins at sundown, so I'll only be there for the day on Saturday. Do you think the hotel staff would notice (or care) if I only showed up for breakfast without checking into the hotel?
I am signed up for the weekend-- first time up there. Looking forward to it, and would be glad to meet up with other B-Nut folks.
Anyone local or know the area that knows of a good place to eat dinner that isn't a pizzeria or a sports bar?
Best bet would be Hershey area; maybe 20 minutes away. The mill is good but a pretty wide selection depending on what you’re looking for. This venue is right by a casino and ft Indian town gap (national guard base) so it’s kind of slim pickings in the immediate vicinity.

Hoping to make it at least Friday, we have a little one due next week so not sure i can justify a whole weekend
Passover begins at sundown, so I'll only be there for the day on Saturday. Do you think the hotel staff would notice (or care) if I only showed up for breakfast without checking into the hotel?

Its not a free breakfast IIRC so Im sure they will be glad to take your money and serve you breakfast.
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